Thursday, 14 January 2016

13 proven steps to Golfing Success

13 proven steps to success in life and your Golf 

Hello and thanks for taking time to read this, the steps I'm going to talk about can be used in any part of your life not just golf, I'd love to say that I've come up with them all ,but I have been greatly influenced by a man called Earl Nightingale. 

Ok, let's go through them in order, firstly I'll list them, then I'll go into a little more detail on each one. 

1) Desire
2) Faith
3) Auto Suggestion 
4) Specialised knowledge
5) Imagination
6) Organised planning 
7) Decision making
8) Persistence
9) Master mind group
10) Enthusiasm 
11) Subconscious mind
12) Your Brain 
13)  6th Sense 

Some of the above will make sense but there maybe some that don't so I'll attempt to piece them all together for you. 

1) Desire , What is it you desire? Is it to lower your handicap? swap your slice for a draw? To play consistently? You wouldn't have the desire unless you were capable of achieving it. Write down what it is you desire and read it on a regular basis, Fix in your mind what you want, What will It give you if you achieve it ? Set a Date when you want it by, Create a plan, Start it today and Write down a statement when and how you will achieve it. 

2) Faith , affirmations are a scientifically proven method of improving your faith, without this you will be influenced by others who will take you off course. Do everything you can to justify your faith and don't let it waver.  

3) Auto suggestion , close your eyes and repeat what you want to achieve, what you are prepared to do to achieve it? And believe in your own ability. Constantly motivate success in your head, if you've found a person who gives you the confidence to achieve keep listening to them. 

4) specialised knowledge , to really succeed you will need specialised knowledge, if you are a golfer seek out a professional whom you believe in and stick with that person, pride yourself in gaining knowledge and write it down so you don't forget it, learn as much as you can and don't listen to people who think they know what they are on about, only to people who do know what they are on about.

5) Imagination , your Imagination is your internal workshop where anything can be created, this is the best place to make changes as there are no limitations in your mind, everything that has ever been achieved has started with imagination . 

6) Organised planning , Write down In hard copy exactly what you have planned, and how you will achieve it, always do more than you say you will and never underestimate the power of self discipline. 

7) Make Decisions, make them promptly and change them slowly - stick with your decision and don't take forever to make decisions as often you'll talk yourself out of doing something. All great achievers make quick decisions and change them slowly unlike the majority of people. Don't mistake opinions for Decisions, Opinions are cheap and not always worthy. 

8) Persistence  , The Power of will. This is where Men are separated from Boys.  it's a state of mind which can be cultivated, it's habit forming and needs to be maintained, why do you think people are able to achieve great things ? There are thousands of examples which spring to mind, if you've been shown something and it doesn't happen straight away be persistent with it , it's only delay; your mind and body getting used to it. No person has ever achieved without this vital ingredient. 

9) Power of a master mind group which is 2 or more people, a group creates stimulating ideas and creates thoughts that as an individual might not have, pick your group with great care, and work on a common purpose. 

10) Enthusiasm , this is an invisible drive that can't be broken, when you have a vision for what you want and a plan of how to achieve it everything is possible. 

11) subconscious mind, all of your senses impact on your subconscious if you want to achieve greatness, seeing, feeling, touching, hearing and smelling successes will 
Plant ideas in your mind and your subconscious will draw on your infinite intelligence, hand your subconscious desires, give it a clear picture and watch what happens, follow your sudden ideas and remember it works 24/7 all by itself. 

12) Brain, the most powerful force the world has ever known , it consists of 14 billion cells that all work  for you , give it a  job and it will do it no questions asked. It's free and never turns up late for work , you carry it everywhere, it's doesn't require payment but it does need feeding constantly. 

13) 6th  Sense , once you've mastered the first 12 this sense will become activate, it's responsible for creative imagination , it's an instinct ,it creates  hunches and inspirations , we all have it but don't recognise it , trust it and watch the power of it change your world. 

Remember we are all entitled to opinions and thoughts but if you manage your thoughts in the right way anything is possible . 

I hope this has helped inspire you to take action and you achieve all you want out of life. 

Happy Golfing and a Happy life . 

Julian Mellor PGA Professional 
Positive Impact Golf Coach 
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club 


Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Are golfers afraid ?

Are golfers afraid of going over the back of greens ? 

For a long time I've been thinking of different reasons why so many golfer come up short on their approach shots into greens. 

Is there a simple reason or is it more complex? 

Let's look into this a little deeper and ask ourselves a few questions? 
Is a shot from the back of a green any more difficult than a shot from the front ? 
How many bunkers do you see at the back of greens compared to the front? 
How many yards is there generally from the front to the back? If we generally hit 10 yards different between each iron then I would imagine it's at least 2 clubs different from front to back on average!! Do we take into account ground conditions? 

I've had the good fortune to play and Coach all life , I love to take clients on the course as this is where the truth is unveiled, I'm going to take an educated guess and would say that 85/95 % of amateur golfers come up short of the pin and very often short of the green, but why? 

With modern technology we don't really have an excuses of miss judging the distance!! Is it our ego that causes the problem? Or could it be fear? Fear of the unknown or fear of losing a ball? 

Another thing is trajectory , the height you hit the ball really determines where you need to land the ball , if the flight of your ball is low and you like to see the ball running on to the green then you really need to consider ground conditions, especially when the ground is saturated as it is now in the UK. 

So how about this for an idea , we all like to play games on the course so why not keep a separate score , you get 2 points if your pin high, - 1 if your short  the pin on an approach shot and +1 if your past the flag , I don't think it would take too long to see a pattern emerge do you!! 

I truly believe that any golfer who consistently hits the ball pin high or past will out score anyone who comes up short of the pin, I for one have never had to play a plugged ball on a green but I have defiantly had some awkward lies in front bunkers  

Please bear this in mind next time you play and let me know how you get on, feel free to leave comments 

Happy Golfing 
Julian Mellor PGA Professional
Positive Impact Golf Coach

Monday, 4 January 2016

Why going on a Programme really works

I would just like to explain why my 12 month Guaranteed Improvement Programme is working.

I've been running my G I P for 7 months now and I can't tell you how much I've learnt about teaching and making my pupils better at playing golf. 

Its a little like doing case studies, whilst I've been helping my clients I've also had the chance to see what happens to golfers when they are taught something new, let me explain. 
first I video their swings and we chat through the things we are about to change and why , we then apply the changes and I encourage them to go away and practise. Now quite commonly golfers book a course of say 5 lessons we work though their changes ,  they go away and within the space of 4 to 6 weeks after playing, their swing reverts back to what I call their default movement and nothing has changed. 

My 12 month programme guarantees at least 1 1/2 hours tuition every month and up to 4 hours , this allows time to really fix golf swings permanently, it seems to take about 6 months before the old swing faults disappear and the new ones become the norm , which has been quite a surprise to me, one of the main reasons for this is a lack of practise , and don't think playing 5 rounds a week is practise. A typical professional on tour would be hitting balls for at least 4 hours a day. Im not suggesting that golfers should start doing this because I know full well that they haven't got the time nor would they enjoy doing it , but if you expect your swing to change without working on it then you'll be sadly mistaken. 

Because of the constant work my clients put in every month on their whole golf game they are now beginning to reap their rewards, I've had one guy shot his lowest round ever which was level par 72 his pervious best was 76, another has constantly started to shoot 3 or 4 better than his handicap week in week out, others have won tournaments they never thought possible, and without exception they are all thoroughly enjoying their golf and being on the programme. 

Before I finish I just want you to have a think about this, To play your best golf you probably won't do it without Professional help. Analyse your whole game not just the bits your good at , the things to look at are

. Rules and how to apply them
. The Equipment you use 
. Course management , this would take into account playing the right shots at the right time.
. Driving
. Fairway woods
. Long irons
. Rescue clubs
. Mid irons
. Short irons
. Pitching
. Chipping
. Bunker shots including fairway bunkers shots
. Long putting
. Short putts
. What food and drink you take in during your round
. Your mental attitude on and off the course
. Your physical fitness and is their anything you could and should be doing

So you can see, taking all of the above info into consideration it would take much more than a couple of golf lessons to improve your whole game and achieve your goals. 

If this blog has made you nod your head and make you realise the things you could be doing to become a better golfer then why not have a chat with your local PGA professional and see how you could work together or failing that contact me for more details I'm based in Coventry and I'm always happy have a coffee and a chat 

Don't wait act today

Julian Mellor PGA Professional 
Positive Impact Golf Coach
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club

How do I stop topping the ball ( guest Blog by Brian Sparks)

What Topping Can Do To You

Do you know a golfer who has never ‘topped’ a ball? Do you know anyone who didn’t completely miss the ball occasionally the first few times they had a go? I have seen a few but they are certainly a rare breed. I know I missed the odd ball and topped my fair share of shots when I started to play.

Most people are particularly sensitive to what they do and to what happens to them when they commence a new activity. In golf, our first attempts are often less than fantastic. Debilitating negative self-images start invading our minds at this early and vulnerable stage.

Making a fool of yourself in front of your friends and colleagues is not likely to fill you with enthusiasm for the game! In fact, at that time, it bears no resemblance to a ‘game’ at all and can be quite demoralising. I wonder how many prospective golfers ever make it past this initial meeting with the intricacies of hitting a little innocent and inoffensive ball. Now, I might be exaggerating but my comments are based on some factual experience. Just last week I coached two different ladies on the same afternoon who will both play much better golf when they accept that they are normally gifted at it and not as useless as they think. They are in their sixties and play off twenty-seven and thirty-five handicaps. Both used the following term to describe how they feel on the course when hitting a bad shot, “I feel so stupid.” Yet they are very intelligent, successful women who swing the club quite well but suffer from a lack of confidence. They are far from being stupid.

Knowing their negative self-images, can you imagine how they react to playing in front of other golfers? Are they likely to move freely with an air of authority or are they more likely to look a little shy and make inhibited and nervous movements? The answer is that they will find great improvement in their shots when they have the confidence to move MORE. With the aid of ‘La Danse du Golf’ both ladies are making good progress and are already displaying more of the six basic elements. What they both need is the confidence to make those better swings when they play on the course with other players. They both now understand the effects of Timothy Gallwey’s Self One and Self Two inner conversations and are gradually learning to trust their Self Two’s. They are also filling their positive boxes and letting go of the negative ones just as Michelle did so successfully.

 The first hurdle to get over when you start to play this game is to know that your ball will consistently get off the ground. When you stand over every shot with the feeling that you are likely to hit it well and get it up in the air your confidence will grow. Whilst it is likely that beginners will top the ball quite regularly, there is no reason why this shouldn’t disappear after a while. Now, this may be a few weeks or a few months and it is important to know that even pros can top the odd one.

What Really Causes Topping

Let’s have a closer look at how a golf ball is topped. The word ‘topped’ is significant because it means that the club has contacted the top of the ball. If the club doesn’t contact the ball under its centre-line or equator it won’t fly up in the air. There are 4 major causes of this problem:

  1. Tension in hands and arms. Try the following experiment. Hold a 7-iron at your side with the head of the club touching the ground beside your feet. You should hold it very lightly and your arm should hang loosely with your shoulder low and relaxed. Now, see what happens when your hand tightens on the grip and your arm and shoulder stiffen with this effort. The club comes off the ground! Have you lifted your head? No.

  2. Your head comes up but not because it moved in an effort to look up early. Why would you do that? After all, the main focus is on hitting the ball so why would you be looking anywhere else? No, the whole body has been forced up because its natural path through the shot has been blocked by the intention to keep your head down. Your golfing partners see your head coming up because the head in golf obsesses us all. What they don’t see is the whole body moving up, the weight not moving forward and your legs straightening. Top golfers keep their centre of gravity at a constant height until well after impact. Top golfers don’t try to keep their heads down. In all the years I’ve played tournament golf I’ve never heard a fellow pro tell another player that he lifted his head! Tony Jacklin was interviewed on Radio 5 Live shortly after his book was published in 2008. He was asked what was the worst tip he’d ever been given. He didn’t hesitate in answering, “Keep my head down!”

  3. The distance between your body’s centre and the club head is too short to pick up the bottom of the ball because you have un-cocked your wrists too late as you approach impact. You will remember the troubles I suffered by working hard on the ‘late hit.’ Well, I even got to the stage where my 3-wood tee shots were often topped and could shoot off at right angles. Most embarrassing for a young tournament player!

  4. Many topped shots are actually just shots that don’t get up in the air and come off the shank or hosel. Please read the section regarding the cure for this, the 2BX. It is essential for golfers to understand what has happened. Most of them are so concerned with ‘why did it happen’ that they fail to analyse poor shots correctly.

     Please bear in mind that you don’t have to hit down to get the ball flying. All you need is the club to be low enough to get under the line on the ball, i.e. the equator of the ball, and that it is moving forward at some speed. Personally, I rarely ask players to hit down as this concept produces the wrong type of movement that will compromise your ability to turn freely through the shot and finish the movement correctly. I will talk to you later in this chapter about the importance of finishing the golf swing well.

    In over 30 years of studying videos and watching average golfers I have rarely seen anyone topping the ball because they looked up too early. The only players I’ve seen do this are several pros and low handicap amateurs and it doesn’t stop them hitting great shots consistently.

    Tension is generally at the core of most ills in golf and nowhere is this more damaging than when it gets into your muscles and joints. When we concentrate too much, or concentrate in the wrong way, tension often creeps into the shoulders. I’m sure you’ve experienced this when driving your car or concentrating on the computer screen and have to lower and relax them from time to time. In golf, tension stiffens and shortens our muscles and leads to topping, shanking, i.e. hitting the ball off the heel of an iron, and general excesses in the effort required to hit the ball.

    As a fault it is one of the most devious, as it doesn’t always show itself to the spectator. Two swings may look identical, even under the magnifying glass of slow motion and still frame video images, but hidden tension can make one of them top the ball whilst the other can produce a great shot 

To be poor at Golf you need to do things poorly

To be POOR at golf you need to do things POORLY 
To be GOOD at golf you need to be doing things GOOD
But to be OUTSTANDING at Golf you need to do things OUTSTANDINGLY

These may sound obvious but I'd like to explain them in a little more detail

I've had the privilege of playing golf since I was 8 years old, at 11 I wanted to become a professional golfer , at 16 I left home to follow my dream and now I don't get to play golf for a living but I do have the pleasure of coaching it Professionally . 

Along with the way I've met some amazing people, I've been coached by one of the best teachers in the world, I've played some fantastic courses and played some very nice rounds of golf, but have I ever reached my full potential at golf ? I would say Not. 

You see what sets the best in the world apart is the ability to be consistently consistent. In the past I've worked very hard on my swing but ignored the mental side , I've then worked on that part but forgetting that I needed to train my body , and so the cycle goes on. 
To become outstanding at Golf you need to consistently work on MIND, BODY & TECHNIQUE, your work ethic has to be second to non and the self drive required to perform at the highest level has to come from within. 

I'm not writing this as a ego boost but as a professional who wants to share some of my observations, I often watch players , the simple mistakes that are made could be sorted out in no time , others may take longer. Some people strive to get better and some aren't that bothered, some mask their disappointment at a bad shot and others show their anger by way of shouting or throwing their equipment, but the one thing they all have in common is that they are playing Golf. 

So here are some suggestions that poor golfers tend to do.
. Really bad set up to the ball
. poor golf swing
. Bad temper
. Poor equipment
. Lack of care
. Play very occasionally 

Good players tend to. 
. Have good fundamental set up
. Swing the club consistently
. Pay attention to detail
. Practise 
. Positive mind set
. Self belief 
. Play fairly regular 
. Tend to be calm under pressure
. Love the game
. Pretty good equipment

Outstanding golfers 
. Great understanding of what it take to become really good
. Incredible work ethic
. Work with professional coaches ( Mind ,Body & Technique)
. Disciplined diet
. Disciplined drinking habits
. Have the best equipment 
. Obsessive 
. Inquisitive 
. Self belief 
. Inner Drive
. Laser Mind
. Constant thrive to improve

I'm sure you could easily add other suggestions to each of the above lists but I think you'd agree that there is a Hugh difference between poor and outstanding. 

It's not difficult to make a step change but it all starts in your mind, if you really want to get better at anything and you make your mind up to do it, your half way there. 

If this sparks a bit interest and changes your thought pattern , it makes you get out of your chair and start making changes then I've achieved my objective. 

Remember NOW is the best time to change NOT tomorrow. 

Enjoy your golf , enjoy your life and if I can help in anyway feel free to contact me 

Julian Mellor PGA Professional 
Positive Impact Golf Coach
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club

Friday, 1 January 2016

What it's like to play golf when your blind Guest Blog by Barrie Ritchie



I have been coached by Julian for around9 or 10 months and he has asked me to write about what is like to play golf when you are blind, so here is a little insight into my golfing world.

The truth is I don’t really see that many differences between being sighted golfer and playing as a blind golfer, except for the obvious. In fact, I think that in some instances it may be an advantage not to be able to see. Hopefully, I can explain as we go along. I imagine the first question most of you would ask iWhat is it like playing when you are blind? My response to that would be what do you think it would be like?

I have been playing since 1990. Athat time I had some   sight although not enough to follow a ball in flight or to see the flag from around 100 yards. Around 10/12 years ago my handicap was 17. I have a condition that caused my sight to fail almost totallyNow, I do still have a very small amount  of light perception depending on the brightness of the daylight. 

As I mentioned earlier I do not feel that there are too many differences when I play as when you play. For instance, when I play a course that I have played a number of times I have a particular image in my mind of each hole because it has been described to me by my guide/caddy. In that way I am as familiar with the course as you are except we have different images as yours will obviously be visual and mind will be a mental image which will have been based on information given to me by my guide/caddy and how many times I have played the course. One of the things that you develop as a blind person is the ability to remember information that is important to you and golf is a big part of my life.   I have played golf now for so long as a blind golfer I don’t even think about being blind when I play. That may sound strange to you but like a lot of things in golf it is second nature now. Personally I don’t think about things like posture and alignment too much because I have learned that to get them right I have a couple of things I have to do once I have addressed the ball to get it right.  For instance, I have a tendencto address the ball with a closed stance so I always make sure to withdraw my left foot slightly and I also tend to have a slightly closed club face at address, to correct that I now to just open the face by moving my grip to the right, to do that I use the logo on my grips. I always have Golf Pride grips put on my clubs as I have found that they have a moredetectable logo when I run my finger along the grip. I also know the feel I get from impact of the ball whether or not it has gone right or left, I can probably tell 7 out of 10. One of the big differences between myself and a sighted golfer is that I don’t have the necessity to lift my head to look when I swing or putt.   Generally I   know how far I hit a given club with a good swing, therefore I always mentally allow myself margin of error, therefore I always hit one more club than I would for the yardage , depending on the conditions. It also allows me to swing within myself which means I keep my balance under control. 

I also have the advantage of not being able to see how tight the course may be or how many hazards are on a hole which means I don’t get spooked by them. When I’m told that there is a hazard I never try to play shots I can’t, which means I always play within my capability and if that means laying up and taking an extra shot so be it because I believe I can make it up on the remaining holes. Around the greens there will always be an advantage being a sighted golfer but I have a method that I use arounthe greens that may benefit some golfers, because I can’t see the flag or the contours of the green or the gradients I will pace to the landing area /fringewhen I’chipping onto a green.I f I’m on the putting surface I always pace my putts with my guide/caddy. By doing that I also use the feeling from my feet to get a feel of the green texture, some of you may think that is a little bit far fetched,but believe me I have developed the feeling over the years enough to give myself an idea of whether or not the green is close cut or a little bit woolly. Try it. Sometimes I can also tell if there is a slope and which way it will go in relation to the putt. No doubt some of you will be thinking that this would slow down the speed of play, but, I do this while my playing partners are playing. I have spena lot of time over the years practising my putting by feel alone, my routine is always 5 paces, 10 paces and 15 paces, then I will finish with some from around 2 feet. When chipping onto a green  I try to relate it to my putting practise and use my putting grip and stroke as much as I can. Perhaps you should give it a try.EYES CLOSED OF COURSE!  I have learned that as a blind golfer there are times when I cannot play from some lies in things like very deep rough, so rather than gamble with shots I will always try and find an option and take a penalty drop even if it means going back on line fifty or sixty yards, better that than taking four or five shots to move the ball 20yards. I have played a lot of sighted golfers that take on these sort of shots and end up ruining their card. Trust me it is not worth it. My average gross scores are around117120 on a par 72 which doesnt sound great but,    I have learned to accept that is where my golf is. I personally believe that I can bring my average down to around 110 which is my target for 2016. That belief comes from a recent round at Tewkesbury Golf& Country Club where I shot a gross 111par 73 .  

"Barrie is an inspiration, his enthusiasm for the game is amazing and i thankful that I get to join him on his golfing journey 

Monday, 14 December 2015

How golf was invented poem

How golf was invented !! 

12 wise men  made up their mind, to build a test of their own design 

The first was a builder full of whit , with a bucket and a spade he made a pit 

The second a designer who came from China thought it clever to put in a liner. 

The third a plumber Who was good with his hand, topped it up with a load of sand. 

The forth was a vicar a bit of a goth , he built a tee to start them off. 

The fifth way a guy a bit of a tease,  he squeezed  some grass amongst the trees. 

The sixth a professor Somewhat a toff , designed an area to finish it off. 

The seventh a sports man who started to sag , as he ran to the end and put in a flag. 

The eight was a dancer who trained in a hall, with a bit of thought he invented a ball 

The ninth a business man who worked from a hub, put a head on a shaft and called it a club 

The tenth a solicitor who taught in schools, he thought it not fair unless there were rules . 

The eleventh was a Pilot who loved to fly,he  put the ball on a tee to give it a try

The twelfth was a guy who's nick name was Rolf , he loved it so much he just called it golf 

Julian Mellor
PGA Professional 

Positive Impact Golf Coach 

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