Showing posts with label golf swing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label golf swing. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Easiest swing in golf, Is it a lack of ability that's stopping you improving?

Is it a lack of ability that's stopping you improving?

Julian has coached golf for some 27 years now and there isn't a swing fault that he hasn't seen. Golfers are built differently and a one fit all methodology is defiantly not the way forward. 
There are some fabulous coaches out there and they have helped produce world beaters but they are not easy to get hold of and probably wouldn't have time to work with the average golfer as they are away so much during a season. 

So who could you seek out that you know is dedicated to his/ her profession? and who you know will make a difference to your golf game? Well in my honest opinion you would look no further than a Positive Impact Golf Coach, there are only 4 in the world and they are so well trained in the art of Golf Improvement that they being contacted by golfers all over the world. 

So what makes them so special?  And what are they doing differently to other Golf Coaches? 

First and foremost they are Totally dedicated, they keep the golf swing as simple as possible; in fact their motto is "We retain the complexity and pass on the Simplicity" 
They fully understand the Golf swing and how the human body is designed to move, they coach 6 Principles and have 3 deadly Don'ts, all of which is under pinned by reduced tension and effort. They get golfers to relax and find their Natural swing. 
They are expert in finding out a persons belief system and what's holding them back. They give golfers simple things to do at home, on the practise area and on the course that Guarantee improvement. 

Brian Sparks, founder of Positive Impact Golf and former PGA instructor put a video on YouTube 5 years ago which has reached over 279,000 people                                           ( ) and Julian Mellor also made a video about the Easiest Swing In Golf  they made these videos to show how simple the swing can be. 

Golfers have been put off by the ever growing complexity of the golf swing, they have become frustrated by Teaches asking them to do things that they can't physically do and resort to YouTube to find a solution to their problems, Now we all know that a video can't see your swing but it's a great place to start and that's why they were made. 

If you are looking for that one piece of advice that will transform your swing then I'm afraid you probably won't find it, but if you apply these 6 principles then you will be almost Guaranteed improvement.
. Turning 
. Weightshift 
. Rhythm 
. Balance
. Coordination 
. Souplesse

If by reading this you have been inspired to do something about your golf then please make contact and prepare yourself to be blown away by what you will learn. 

Happy Golfing 

Julian Mellor PGA Professional 
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club  

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

How is the golf ball stopping you improving your golf? BLOG

Is the Golf ball stopping you improving? 

How many times have you heard these sayings? 

"My practise swing is alright I just can't do the same when the balls there" 
"If only I could hit the ball with my practise swing" 

So what changes from your practise swing to when you hit the ball? Quite simply it's the ball, for almost as long as golf has been played I can imagine these immortal words have been said "Keep your HEAD down" is this a good or a bad thing? When golfers make a practise swing the sole focus is not the ball, they swing with freedom without the ball but as soon as its introduced they become fixated with it, stopping flowing movements.

So I'm going to give you a couple of things to try on the practise area, I use them on my clients all the time which produce some amazing results.

1) hit at least 6 shots with your eyes closed.
2) just before you strike the ball allow your eyes to start to look towards the target.

Once we take the ball out of the equation by trying these two simple exercises you'll be amazed at how much freedom you'll have, A lot of people say that it feels like a practise swing when they connect with the ball.

Now if you think this is a bit far fetched get a friend to video your best practise swing and watch how your head and body moves, then video you hitting a shot and see if there is a difference. 

Positive Impact Golf Coaching breaks some of the rules, through years of study we have been able to dispel 3 myths that hold golfers back, they create tension, stop the body moving and worst of all may injure golfers. 

Our 3 Deadly Donts  are,

Don't Keep your head Down ( Allow it to move freely) 

Don't keep your left arm straight ( this creates tension and shortens the muscles in your arm which may lead to you topping the ball) 

Don't keep your left foot flat on the floor. By doing this it breaks the kinetic chain which may lead to injury, allow your ankle to move without resistance.

So my advice to you is simply this, don't become obsessed with the golf ball, allow your body to move freely and above all else swing the club tension free, if you don't find this helps, contact me and come along for a coaching session. Golf doesn't have to be complicated or difficult, once you start hitting the ball with your best golf swing Magic really can happen. 

My YouTube video may help if your struggling

Happy Golfing 

Julian Mellor 
Positive Impact Coach 

Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club

Thursday, 14 January 2016

13 proven steps to Golfing Success

13 proven steps to success in life and your Golf 

Hello and thanks for taking time to read this, the steps I'm going to talk about can be used in any part of your life not just golf, I'd love to say that I've come up with them all ,but I have been greatly influenced by a man called Earl Nightingale. 

Ok, let's go through them in order, firstly I'll list them, then I'll go into a little more detail on each one. 

1) Desire
2) Faith
3) Auto Suggestion 
4) Specialised knowledge
5) Imagination
6) Organised planning 
7) Decision making
8) Persistence
9) Master mind group
10) Enthusiasm 
11) Subconscious mind
12) Your Brain 
13)  6th Sense 

Some of the above will make sense but there maybe some that don't so I'll attempt to piece them all together for you. 

1) Desire , What is it you desire? Is it to lower your handicap? swap your slice for a draw? To play consistently? You wouldn't have the desire unless you were capable of achieving it. Write down what it is you desire and read it on a regular basis, Fix in your mind what you want, What will It give you if you achieve it ? Set a Date when you want it by, Create a plan, Start it today and Write down a statement when and how you will achieve it. 

2) Faith , affirmations are a scientifically proven method of improving your faith, without this you will be influenced by others who will take you off course. Do everything you can to justify your faith and don't let it waver.  

3) Auto suggestion , close your eyes and repeat what you want to achieve, what you are prepared to do to achieve it? And believe in your own ability. Constantly motivate success in your head, if you've found a person who gives you the confidence to achieve keep listening to them. 

4) specialised knowledge , to really succeed you will need specialised knowledge, if you are a golfer seek out a professional whom you believe in and stick with that person, pride yourself in gaining knowledge and write it down so you don't forget it, learn as much as you can and don't listen to people who think they know what they are on about, only to people who do know what they are on about.

5) Imagination , your Imagination is your internal workshop where anything can be created, this is the best place to make changes as there are no limitations in your mind, everything that has ever been achieved has started with imagination . 

6) Organised planning , Write down In hard copy exactly what you have planned, and how you will achieve it, always do more than you say you will and never underestimate the power of self discipline. 

7) Make Decisions, make them promptly and change them slowly - stick with your decision and don't take forever to make decisions as often you'll talk yourself out of doing something. All great achievers make quick decisions and change them slowly unlike the majority of people. Don't mistake opinions for Decisions, Opinions are cheap and not always worthy. 

8) Persistence  , The Power of will. This is where Men are separated from Boys.  it's a state of mind which can be cultivated, it's habit forming and needs to be maintained, why do you think people are able to achieve great things ? There are thousands of examples which spring to mind, if you've been shown something and it doesn't happen straight away be persistent with it , it's only delay; your mind and body getting used to it. No person has ever achieved without this vital ingredient. 

9) Power of a master mind group which is 2 or more people, a group creates stimulating ideas and creates thoughts that as an individual might not have, pick your group with great care, and work on a common purpose. 

10) Enthusiasm , this is an invisible drive that can't be broken, when you have a vision for what you want and a plan of how to achieve it everything is possible. 

11) subconscious mind, all of your senses impact on your subconscious if you want to achieve greatness, seeing, feeling, touching, hearing and smelling successes will 
Plant ideas in your mind and your subconscious will draw on your infinite intelligence, hand your subconscious desires, give it a clear picture and watch what happens, follow your sudden ideas and remember it works 24/7 all by itself. 

12) Brain, the most powerful force the world has ever known , it consists of 14 billion cells that all work  for you , give it a  job and it will do it no questions asked. It's free and never turns up late for work , you carry it everywhere, it's doesn't require payment but it does need feeding constantly. 

13) 6th  Sense , once you've mastered the first 12 this sense will become activate, it's responsible for creative imagination , it's an instinct ,it creates  hunches and inspirations , we all have it but don't recognise it , trust it and watch the power of it change your world. 

Remember we are all entitled to opinions and thoughts but if you manage your thoughts in the right way anything is possible . 

I hope this has helped inspire you to take action and you achieve all you want out of life. 

Happy Golfing and a Happy life . 

Julian Mellor PGA Professional 
Positive Impact Golf Coach 
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club 


Sunday, 29 November 2015

My take on golf lessons, and why people do have them

Before I start to teach a new pupil I always ask them lots of questions so I can fully understand the experiences they’ve had before with golf lessons (if any), how comfortable they feel taking them and what they’re looking to gain from my coaching.

I’ve had lots of interesting replies and wanted to sum up the most common here.

Firstly, I’ve found the biggest barrier to taking golf lessons is that people fear making a fool of themselves in front of a professional. Some people lack the confidence to come and give it a go, get nervous about just booking a lesson, and find the whole experience quite daunting.

Secondly, whilst some people have enjoyed excellent experiences of golf lessons in the past, many have not and all the negatives they’ve taken away with them have put them off from taking further tuition for years.

For example, a guy I taught recently was telling me about his first ever golf lesson. Let’s put this guy into perspective – he holds a very high position in a large company and he represented GB in Taekwondo for over 20 years, so he’s no stranger to giving or receiving instruction! His first experience of golf tuition wasn’t good, he had booked a series of 6 lessons and turned up for his first one full of enthusiasm. However, he got totally let down. He was made to feel useless and foolish, he was spoken ‘down to’ and the pro doing the teaching hit twice as many shots as he did during the lesson. Once the lesson had finished he told the pro in no uncertain terms what he thought of him and demanded his money back (which not many people would do by the way – so good for him)! After that he was reluctant to book anymore lessons and ended up watching the Golf Channel for his tuition. Not ideal in my book, but at least he was getting some guidance I suppose.

Thankfully this is an extreme example, but I do hear about lots of negative experiences which result in golfers steering clear of further lessons.

I firmly believe that there needs to be a strong relationship between player and coach, and if that first lesson together is one of enjoyment then there is no reason why it shouldn’t last for years.

Personally, I always make my pupils feel welcome, let them hit a few shots to relax and warm up and talk about the journey we’re going to embark on together. I always take a short video of their swing and then watch it back with them whilst clearly explaining what’s good and what’s not so good, and talking about how we could work on making things better.

This is all at a pace the pupil finds comfortable, not one I do! We all know how hard making changes to a golf swing can be, so why would I add any negativity or pressure to doing so? I’m there to help, advise and, yes, achieve results – but in a way that each individual responds to and is happy with.

So just to finish, if you’ve had a bad experience of golf lessons in the past please don’t be afraid to try a different coach. We all have our own way of doing things and some are better than others. Always ask for testimonials and look at the pro’s website to give you a feel about the person. Talk to the pro and see if you’re going to hit it off, and most importantly – never give up on asking for help and trying to improve.

Julian Mellor

PGA Professional

Positive Impact Golf Coach

Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club

07595 157452

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Should your left heel come off the ground in the backswing? (Opposite if your left handed)

Hello, thanks for taking time to read this blog,

I'm just sat in my car watching golfers at Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club teeing off, I'm struck by how many golfers move their bodies in an inefficient way, they don't seem to grasp how much easier the swing is when you move your body correctly, golf is no different to any other throwing sport, for instance you wouldn't see any Javlin thrower leaning backward when releasing a Javlin, discuss throwers wind up their body by transferring their weight from the right to the left if they are right handed. 
So in its simplest form your weight should move to the right in the back swing and to the left in the follow through, at POSITIVE IMPACT GOLF we call this 

I've put a short video on YouTube that demonstrates the weight shift ( link ) 
The start of it shows me holding the club at hip height , watch what's happening to me heel on the takeaway and then on the follow through. 

A recent study by TPI has said that it's a must not a should that the left heel comes off the ground in the backswing, it helps prevent injury, takes away any restriction, allows a greater shoulder turn and feels so much easier once you apply it. 
I probably practise this movement about 100 a day, and now it feels totally natural, remember you could be doing this whilst you wait for the kettle to boil so you don't really have any excuses not to do it, and I promise you it will seriously help your swing. 

I have been told that 15 out of the last 17 major winners have done this, I will check this to make sure it's true but if it is I wouldn't be at all surprised. 

So give it a go and let me know how you get on. 

Happy Golfing 

Julian Mellor
PGA Professional 
Positive Impact Golf Coach
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club