Showing posts with label coaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coaching. Show all posts

Thursday, 14 January 2016

13 proven steps to Golfing Success

13 proven steps to success in life and your Golf 

Hello and thanks for taking time to read this, the steps I'm going to talk about can be used in any part of your life not just golf, I'd love to say that I've come up with them all ,but I have been greatly influenced by a man called Earl Nightingale. 

Ok, let's go through them in order, firstly I'll list them, then I'll go into a little more detail on each one. 

1) Desire
2) Faith
3) Auto Suggestion 
4) Specialised knowledge
5) Imagination
6) Organised planning 
7) Decision making
8) Persistence
9) Master mind group
10) Enthusiasm 
11) Subconscious mind
12) Your Brain 
13)  6th Sense 

Some of the above will make sense but there maybe some that don't so I'll attempt to piece them all together for you. 

1) Desire , What is it you desire? Is it to lower your handicap? swap your slice for a draw? To play consistently? You wouldn't have the desire unless you were capable of achieving it. Write down what it is you desire and read it on a regular basis, Fix in your mind what you want, What will It give you if you achieve it ? Set a Date when you want it by, Create a plan, Start it today and Write down a statement when and how you will achieve it. 

2) Faith , affirmations are a scientifically proven method of improving your faith, without this you will be influenced by others who will take you off course. Do everything you can to justify your faith and don't let it waver.  

3) Auto suggestion , close your eyes and repeat what you want to achieve, what you are prepared to do to achieve it? And believe in your own ability. Constantly motivate success in your head, if you've found a person who gives you the confidence to achieve keep listening to them. 

4) specialised knowledge , to really succeed you will need specialised knowledge, if you are a golfer seek out a professional whom you believe in and stick with that person, pride yourself in gaining knowledge and write it down so you don't forget it, learn as much as you can and don't listen to people who think they know what they are on about, only to people who do know what they are on about.

5) Imagination , your Imagination is your internal workshop where anything can be created, this is the best place to make changes as there are no limitations in your mind, everything that has ever been achieved has started with imagination . 

6) Organised planning , Write down In hard copy exactly what you have planned, and how you will achieve it, always do more than you say you will and never underestimate the power of self discipline. 

7) Make Decisions, make them promptly and change them slowly - stick with your decision and don't take forever to make decisions as often you'll talk yourself out of doing something. All great achievers make quick decisions and change them slowly unlike the majority of people. Don't mistake opinions for Decisions, Opinions are cheap and not always worthy. 

8) Persistence  , The Power of will. This is where Men are separated from Boys.  it's a state of mind which can be cultivated, it's habit forming and needs to be maintained, why do you think people are able to achieve great things ? There are thousands of examples which spring to mind, if you've been shown something and it doesn't happen straight away be persistent with it , it's only delay; your mind and body getting used to it. No person has ever achieved without this vital ingredient. 

9) Power of a master mind group which is 2 or more people, a group creates stimulating ideas and creates thoughts that as an individual might not have, pick your group with great care, and work on a common purpose. 

10) Enthusiasm , this is an invisible drive that can't be broken, when you have a vision for what you want and a plan of how to achieve it everything is possible. 

11) subconscious mind, all of your senses impact on your subconscious if you want to achieve greatness, seeing, feeling, touching, hearing and smelling successes will 
Plant ideas in your mind and your subconscious will draw on your infinite intelligence, hand your subconscious desires, give it a clear picture and watch what happens, follow your sudden ideas and remember it works 24/7 all by itself. 

12) Brain, the most powerful force the world has ever known , it consists of 14 billion cells that all work  for you , give it a  job and it will do it no questions asked. It's free and never turns up late for work , you carry it everywhere, it's doesn't require payment but it does need feeding constantly. 

13) 6th  Sense , once you've mastered the first 12 this sense will become activate, it's responsible for creative imagination , it's an instinct ,it creates  hunches and inspirations , we all have it but don't recognise it , trust it and watch the power of it change your world. 

Remember we are all entitled to opinions and thoughts but if you manage your thoughts in the right way anything is possible . 

I hope this has helped inspire you to take action and you achieve all you want out of life. 

Happy Golfing and a Happy life . 

Julian Mellor PGA Professional 
Positive Impact Golf Coach 
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club 


Sunday, 29 November 2015

Why join my 12 month Programme ?

I would just like to explain why my 12 month Guaranteed Improvement Programme (GIP) is working, and helping players of all standards to play better golf.


I’ve been running the GIP for 2 years now and I can’t tell you how much I’ve learnt about teaching and making my pupils better at playing golf.

It’s a little bit like doing mini case studies, whilst I’ve been helping my clients I’ve also had the chance to see what happens to golfers when they are taught something new, let me explain.

First I video their swings and we chat through the things we are about to change and why. We then apply the changes and I encourage them to go away and practice.

Now quite commonly golfers book a course of say 5 lessons and we work though any required changes in their game, they then go away and within the space of 4 to 6 weeks of playing their swing reverts back to what I call their default movement and nothing has changed. However, the GIP is different.

The programme guarantees up to 4 hours tuition each month, which allows time to really fix golf swings permanently. It seems to take about 6 months before the old swing faults disappear and the new ones become the norm, which has been quite a surprise to me. One of the main reasons for this is a lack of practice, and don’t think playing 5 rounds a week is practice. A typical professional on tour would be hitting balls for at least 4 hours a day. I’m not suggesting that amateur golfers should start doing this because I know full well that they haven’t got the time nor would they enjoy doing it , but if you expect your swing to change without working on it, then you’ll be sadly mistaken.

The regular coaching my GIP clients receive every month on their whole golf game means they are all now beginning to reap the rewards. I’ve had one guy shoot his lowest round ever which was level par 72 (his previous best was 76), another has constantly started to shoot 3 or 4 better than his handicap week in week out, others have won tournaments they never thought possible, and without exception they are all enjoying their golf more and loving being on the programme.

Before I finish I just want you to have a think about this. To play your best golf you probably require Professional help, so here’s a tip – analyse your whole game, not just the bits that you’re good at. The things to look at are

. Rules and how to apply them
. The equipment you use
. Course management, this would take into account playing the right shots at the right time
. Driving
. Fairway woods
. Long irons
. Rescue clubs
. Mid irons
. Short irons
. Pitching
. Chipping
. Bunker shots including fairway bunkers shots
. Long putting
. Short putts
. What food and drink you take in during your round
. Your mental attitude on and off the course
. Your physical fitness and is there anything you could and should be doing

So you can see, taking all of the above into consideration it would take much more than a couple of golf lessons to improve your whole game and achieve your goals.

If this blog has made you think about the things you could be doing to become a better golfer then why not have a chat with your local PGA professional and see how you could work together? Or better still, contact me for more details about the GIP. I’m based near Coventry and I’m always happy have a coffee and a chat

Don’t wait – act today!

Happy Golfing 

Julian Mellor

PGA Professional

Positive Impact Golf Coach

Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club

07595 157452