Monday, 4 January 2016

To be poor at Golf you need to do things poorly

To be POOR at golf you need to do things POORLY 
To be GOOD at golf you need to be doing things GOOD
But to be OUTSTANDING at Golf you need to do things OUTSTANDINGLY

These may sound obvious but I'd like to explain them in a little more detail

I've had the privilege of playing golf since I was 8 years old, at 11 I wanted to become a professional golfer , at 16 I left home to follow my dream and now I don't get to play golf for a living but I do have the pleasure of coaching it Professionally . 

Along with the way I've met some amazing people, I've been coached by one of the best teachers in the world, I've played some fantastic courses and played some very nice rounds of golf, but have I ever reached my full potential at golf ? I would say Not. 

You see what sets the best in the world apart is the ability to be consistently consistent. In the past I've worked very hard on my swing but ignored the mental side , I've then worked on that part but forgetting that I needed to train my body , and so the cycle goes on. 
To become outstanding at Golf you need to consistently work on MIND, BODY & TECHNIQUE, your work ethic has to be second to non and the self drive required to perform at the highest level has to come from within. 

I'm not writing this as a ego boost but as a professional who wants to share some of my observations, I often watch players , the simple mistakes that are made could be sorted out in no time , others may take longer. Some people strive to get better and some aren't that bothered, some mask their disappointment at a bad shot and others show their anger by way of shouting or throwing their equipment, but the one thing they all have in common is that they are playing Golf. 

So here are some suggestions that poor golfers tend to do.
. Really bad set up to the ball
. poor golf swing
. Bad temper
. Poor equipment
. Lack of care
. Play very occasionally 

Good players tend to. 
. Have good fundamental set up
. Swing the club consistently
. Pay attention to detail
. Practise 
. Positive mind set
. Self belief 
. Play fairly regular 
. Tend to be calm under pressure
. Love the game
. Pretty good equipment

Outstanding golfers 
. Great understanding of what it take to become really good
. Incredible work ethic
. Work with professional coaches ( Mind ,Body & Technique)
. Disciplined diet
. Disciplined drinking habits
. Have the best equipment 
. Obsessive 
. Inquisitive 
. Self belief 
. Inner Drive
. Laser Mind
. Constant thrive to improve

I'm sure you could easily add other suggestions to each of the above lists but I think you'd agree that there is a Hugh difference between poor and outstanding. 

It's not difficult to make a step change but it all starts in your mind, if you really want to get better at anything and you make your mind up to do it, your half way there. 

If this sparks a bit interest and changes your thought pattern , it makes you get out of your chair and start making changes then I've achieved my objective. 

Remember NOW is the best time to change NOT tomorrow. 

Enjoy your golf , enjoy your life and if I can help in anyway feel free to contact me 

Julian Mellor PGA Professional 
Positive Impact Golf Coach
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club

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