Showing posts with label positive impact golf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label positive impact golf. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Easiest swing in golf, Is it a lack of ability that's stopping you improving?

Is it a lack of ability that's stopping you improving?

Julian has coached golf for some 27 years now and there isn't a swing fault that he hasn't seen. Golfers are built differently and a one fit all methodology is defiantly not the way forward. 
There are some fabulous coaches out there and they have helped produce world beaters but they are not easy to get hold of and probably wouldn't have time to work with the average golfer as they are away so much during a season. 

So who could you seek out that you know is dedicated to his/ her profession? and who you know will make a difference to your golf game? Well in my honest opinion you would look no further than a Positive Impact Golf Coach, there are only 4 in the world and they are so well trained in the art of Golf Improvement that they being contacted by golfers all over the world. 

So what makes them so special?  And what are they doing differently to other Golf Coaches? 

First and foremost they are Totally dedicated, they keep the golf swing as simple as possible; in fact their motto is "We retain the complexity and pass on the Simplicity" 
They fully understand the Golf swing and how the human body is designed to move, they coach 6 Principles and have 3 deadly Don'ts, all of which is under pinned by reduced tension and effort. They get golfers to relax and find their Natural swing. 
They are expert in finding out a persons belief system and what's holding them back. They give golfers simple things to do at home, on the practise area and on the course that Guarantee improvement. 

Brian Sparks, founder of Positive Impact Golf and former PGA instructor put a video on YouTube 5 years ago which has reached over 279,000 people                                           ( ) and Julian Mellor also made a video about the Easiest Swing In Golf  they made these videos to show how simple the swing can be. 

Golfers have been put off by the ever growing complexity of the golf swing, they have become frustrated by Teaches asking them to do things that they can't physically do and resort to YouTube to find a solution to their problems, Now we all know that a video can't see your swing but it's a great place to start and that's why they were made. 

If you are looking for that one piece of advice that will transform your swing then I'm afraid you probably won't find it, but if you apply these 6 principles then you will be almost Guaranteed improvement.
. Turning 
. Weightshift 
. Rhythm 
. Balance
. Coordination 
. Souplesse

If by reading this you have been inspired to do something about your golf then please make contact and prepare yourself to be blown away by what you will learn. 

Happy Golfing 

Julian Mellor PGA Professional 
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club  

Friday, 24 June 2016

Positive Impact Golf Coaching in Coventry, Leamington Spa, Kenilworth, Warwick , warwickshire

Hello, recently I've been asked by a few non members of Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club wether or not they can still come to see me for Golf Lessons, the quick and simple answer is YES. I coach golfers from a variety of different locations and all are made to feel very welcome.

Having coaching isn't so much about the location but more about the person you are going to visit and the quality of the tuition you receive. 

If price is an issue then by all means look on line and find the best deals to suit your budget, but if it's quality your looking for then I recommend you look for a PGA Professional who coaches full time as they are fully committed to improving your Golf. I would recommend you research any PGA Professional you visit, have a look on their website ( have a read of their testimonials and about their methodology. 

Positive Impact Golf Coaches are driven to give the best experience possible and we do this in a manner of ways, for instance; we encourage first time visitors to book a 1 hour consultation so that both sides know exactly what they are looking for and not put under pressure to leave after 30 minutes, We coach the " Easiest Swing In Golf" which makes it understandable and easy to apply. After each Lesson we ask people to send us the Key Messages they have taken away so that it's a reminder of what they have learnt and if they miss anything we add to it, We also keep accurate records of each lesson as a reminder for the next time they visit, Above all we give exquisite attention to each and every Client when they visit. 

Typically, I coach people from surrounding areas like COVENTRY, LEAMINGTON SPA, KENILWORTH, WARWICK, STRATFORD ON AVON & NUNEATON, but as of late golfers are traveling from all corners of the U.K. and in July I have a guy flying in from Hong Kong, so the word is spreading about our Coaching Methodology. 

Over 75% of Golfers never take LESSONS which I find a little sad, I know there is loads of free information out there but nothing works as well as having a Professional look at your game. One area of my coaching that has grown considerably is on Course lessons, this , as I say is the TRUTH. Golfers very quickly return back to type when playing and this is when our Professional intervention pays dividends.
Don't take my word for it come and experience it for yourself.

If you've had a bad experience of Golf Lessons don't be put off, try looking for another coach or ask around for recommendations, failing that contact me and let's book you in for a consultation to find out your golfing ambitions. 

If this as been of help I'm pleased. 

Happy golfing 

Kindest regards 

Julian Mellor PGA Professional 
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club 

Monday, 14 March 2016

How do I use my golfing instincts.

Learn to use your Golf instincts, natural rhythm and Coordination to play your best golf.

Before I go into detail try this quick exercise!

  1. Write down TARGET on a piece of paper.
  2. Crumple the piece of paper into a BALL.
  3. Choose a target, such as a WASTE PAPER BIN, and throw the ball into it.
Well Done! you have just performed a sequence of tasks requiring complex physical movements and yet I gave you no instructions on how to do this task nor did I give a description of how to move your arms, your shoulders, your hips or any other part of your body, nevertheless, I'm sure you got it somewhere near or in the bin. It was possible to make all the necessary movements to achieve the desired result by using your instinct, coordination and natural rhythm. 

Striking a golf ball doesn't have to be any more complex than that, when learning to play good golf you must call upon and rely on the natural skills you already possess. With the right practice and guidance you can develop the skills required to play great golf.

Do you possess natural instinct?  have you ever found yourself in a tricky situation on a golf course and played a miraculous recovery shot? I bet you never thought about the mechanics of the swing to pull it off! you used your Instinct.
Another example of using your instinct is when your in two minds as to what club to play, I highly recommend you pull them both out and trust yourself as to which one to use, its very rare you'll be wrong.
Some many golfers never use this fifteenth club in their bag and forget to tune into their 6th sense.

Natural Rhythm and Coordination, these following exercises will help you develop your feel for solid contact with the ball and improve your Coordination and Rhythm. I have written these exercises as if your a right handed golfer, so please swap them around if your left handed.

  1. Right hand only drill, hit between 10 - 20 short shots (no more than 30 yards) using your right hand only, do it until you feel that the contact with the ball is perfect.
  2. Left hand only, repeat the same exercise using your left hand only. After a few attempts, you should notice it is a lot easier using your right hand.
  3. Both hands on the club, feet together. hit anything between 20 to 50 balls doing this simple exercise, it should raise your awareness of your natural Rhythm and Coordination be mindful of your balance and hold your finish until the ball finishes rolling.
  4. Find the ball drill, using a 7 iron on a short tee, start with your club about 12 inches in front of the ball and make some full swings attempting to hit the ball, then start with the club 12 inches behind the ball and hit the ball with full swing, and finally hover your club 12 inches above the ball and hit the ball with a full swing, this will help your coordination and allow your natural rhythm to shine through, remember all you have to do is find the ball with the club head.
  5. Eyes closed drill, set up to the ball as normal and just before you start your swing close your eyes and see if you can make contact with the ball, I recommend you do this with a relaxed swing to start with.
These drills are designed to take away the thinking part of your brain and allow your natural swing to shine through.

When you are on the course recall the feedback and sensations from these exercises (but not how you did exercises or how you got the results). Practice these exercises regularly and remember to keep in touch with your instinctive sense of feel and coordination.

Your Natural swing will always be more reliable than a Technical one when your under pressure on the golf course, the better your Rhythm the more your swing will Coordinate and the more fun you'll have playing.

I hope these tips help your game and as always, if i can be of assistance don't hesitate to get in touch.

Julian Mellor PGA Professional
Positive Impact Golf Coach
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club nr Coventry

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Ex- PGA Tour Player Brandel Chamblee

Hello, thanks for taking time to read this.               

I wanted to share a video with you and I strongly suggest that you spend 7 minutes watching this video in which Brandel Chamblee, a successful US tour player, talks about his controversial ideas about the modern golf swing and current teaching. Now, where have I heard that before!!

He goes on to talk about the famous Ben Hogan book about the 'Modern Fundamentals of Golf' and, not only do I completely agree with his thoughts ion the subject, but I would go further. Having written a book myself I know what it took to write it and to do all the research required to make it valid and credible. I just can't see how a tour player, and especially one famous for the amount of time he spent practicing, could have devoted so much of his time to writing a book. I know just how some of you will react to this but I doubt that he actually wrote it himself. I believe that he undoubtedly had a lot of input but someone else must have done the major work. Let's see what you think after watching the video here.


I hope you enjoy watching and feel free to make an comments, please share this as the message is so powerful . 

Happy Golfing 

Julian Mellor 
Positive Impact Golf Coach 
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club

Monday, 1 February 2016

Why aren't we taught to play golf?

Recently, one of my clients joined a programme that I run and part of that is having a 9 hole assessment round. The idea is that we play and as we go around the course I makes notes of my clients strengths and weaknesses, once the round is completed we sit and have a coffee to chat through my findings and then formulate a schedule to start working on things. 

The chap I was assessing is really into his golf and a joy to spend time with, as we got to the 3rd he found himself in the trees, the lie was awkward with an overhanging brach in front of him, the ground is very soft at this time of year making a running shot very difficult, so I asked him how he was going to approach it!! 

He said without hesitation, I'm going to hit my wedge and hope it goes through the branches and with a bit of luck it might land on the green, ( I wish I had got my camera with me so you could see the difficulty of the shot he was about to play). So I asked him, before you try that shot is there another option? Nope, was his prompt reply, not if I want to go for the pin. 
Ok, what about playing a shot away from the pin I said, there is a gap in the trees if you aim in that direction, play your 6 iron to keep the ball low and your almost guaranteed to finish on the green, why don't you try that shot instead? How come I didn't think of that! came his reply.

 He then went on to say something that really got me thinking. 

"Why are Golfers Not Taught To Play Golf?" 

What a great question, why aren't golfers taught to play golf? Golfers are taught to swing a golf club that's a given, but how many of you reading this were taken on to the golf course by a professional and shown how to play golf? I'm going to have a wild guess and say 1% of you, now I don't mind being told I'm wrong but I bet I'm not far off. 

We have all learnt to play golf by trial and error and by watching others, but how do you know exactly what you should be doing unless you've had some professional help, could this be one of the reasons why it can take such a long time to improve? 

We played 2 further holes and once again he found himself in a testing situation, this time before he selected a club he said what do you think I should do here? We both stood behind the ball and I asked him to see if he could work out two options!! Well if I was playing normally I'd hit my rescue club and see what happened, but now you've made me think and perhaps that wouldn't be the right approach, so what other shot could you play I asked? I suppose I could hit an 8 iron and get it back in play but that would leave me a longer 3rd shot to the green, that's very true, but which is the less risky shot to play? Well the 8 iron is.
As a Positive Impact Coach I don't like telling people what to do as it doesn't give a person an awareness, so what I asked him to do was to play 2 golf balls, one the way he saw the shot and one using the 8 iron, we are going to complete the hole with both balls and see which one produces the best score. 
This is how it went, with his rescue club he swung and topped the ball sending it about 10 yards, he then had another go with the same club and struck it beautiful, so good in fact that it sailed through the fairway and finished in the thick rough on the other side, he then used his sand iron and got it back onto the fairway, form there he chipped it short of the green , chipped on and just missed his put giving him an 8 with that ball. 
With the second ball and using his 8 iron he played the hole like this, an OK connection hit the ball about 100 yards but critically back on the fairway, he then hit a 6 iron just left of the green but not in any trouble, a relatively simple chip onto the green gave him a chance of a 1 putt, he made a super attempt at holing the putt but it just slipped by, giving him a 6 on the hole. 

So you might say I proved a point but there was something much more powerful that carried on to the next tee, I asked him if he had taken an 8 on the last hole how would be be feeling right now? well I'd be angry; he said, and probably try and smash this tee shot to make up for it, and if you'd made a clever 6, how would that make you feel? I'd be feeling alright, yes calmer and I'd certainly not be trying to smash hell out of this ball. 

We finished the round and sat in the clubhouse for our post round assessment, he had a big smile on his face and said to me, you've showed me something very different today, you taught me that's there's an art to playing golf and that's something I'd never appreciated up until now. 

From my perspective I'd helped him appreciate that there is always another way to approach a shot, hitting a high risk and reward shot often doesn't come off and the outcome on that hole and maybe the rest of your round can be devastating, playing the right shot at the right time is smart golf in my opinion, but how do you know what's right or wrong if you've never been shown? 

If this had made you think about the shots you try, and made you question your decision making why don't you book a playing lesson with a professional,  see if there is a better way you could be playing and don't be afraid to ask lots of questions as you go around, rules are very important and if a situation comes up find out what your options are. I have a simple Philosiphy in life " if I have tooth ache I go to a dentist" I don't ask a friend to help me , seek out professional help and I think you'll agree with me it's the best money you'll ever spend on your golf. 

As always if I can be of any help leave a comment. 

Happy Golfing 

Julian Mellor 
PGA Professional 
Positive Impact Golf Coach

Monday, 4 January 2016

Why going on a Programme really works

I would just like to explain why my 12 month Guaranteed Improvement Programme is working.

I've been running my G I P for 7 months now and I can't tell you how much I've learnt about teaching and making my pupils better at playing golf. 

Its a little like doing case studies, whilst I've been helping my clients I've also had the chance to see what happens to golfers when they are taught something new, let me explain. 
first I video their swings and we chat through the things we are about to change and why , we then apply the changes and I encourage them to go away and practise. Now quite commonly golfers book a course of say 5 lessons we work though their changes ,  they go away and within the space of 4 to 6 weeks after playing, their swing reverts back to what I call their default movement and nothing has changed. 

My 12 month programme guarantees at least 1 1/2 hours tuition every month and up to 4 hours , this allows time to really fix golf swings permanently, it seems to take about 6 months before the old swing faults disappear and the new ones become the norm , which has been quite a surprise to me, one of the main reasons for this is a lack of practise , and don't think playing 5 rounds a week is practise. A typical professional on tour would be hitting balls for at least 4 hours a day. Im not suggesting that golfers should start doing this because I know full well that they haven't got the time nor would they enjoy doing it , but if you expect your swing to change without working on it then you'll be sadly mistaken. 

Because of the constant work my clients put in every month on their whole golf game they are now beginning to reap their rewards, I've had one guy shot his lowest round ever which was level par 72 his pervious best was 76, another has constantly started to shoot 3 or 4 better than his handicap week in week out, others have won tournaments they never thought possible, and without exception they are all thoroughly enjoying their golf and being on the programme. 

Before I finish I just want you to have a think about this, To play your best golf you probably won't do it without Professional help. Analyse your whole game not just the bits your good at , the things to look at are

. Rules and how to apply them
. The Equipment you use 
. Course management , this would take into account playing the right shots at the right time.
. Driving
. Fairway woods
. Long irons
. Rescue clubs
. Mid irons
. Short irons
. Pitching
. Chipping
. Bunker shots including fairway bunkers shots
. Long putting
. Short putts
. What food and drink you take in during your round
. Your mental attitude on and off the course
. Your physical fitness and is their anything you could and should be doing

So you can see, taking all of the above info into consideration it would take much more than a couple of golf lessons to improve your whole game and achieve your goals. 

If this blog has made you nod your head and make you realise the things you could be doing to become a better golfer then why not have a chat with your local PGA professional and see how you could work together or failing that contact me for more details I'm based in Coventry and I'm always happy have a coffee and a chat 

Don't wait act today

Julian Mellor PGA Professional 
Positive Impact Golf Coach
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club

How do I stop topping the ball ( guest Blog by Brian Sparks)

What Topping Can Do To You

Do you know a golfer who has never ‘topped’ a ball? Do you know anyone who didn’t completely miss the ball occasionally the first few times they had a go? I have seen a few but they are certainly a rare breed. I know I missed the odd ball and topped my fair share of shots when I started to play.

Most people are particularly sensitive to what they do and to what happens to them when they commence a new activity. In golf, our first attempts are often less than fantastic. Debilitating negative self-images start invading our minds at this early and vulnerable stage.

Making a fool of yourself in front of your friends and colleagues is not likely to fill you with enthusiasm for the game! In fact, at that time, it bears no resemblance to a ‘game’ at all and can be quite demoralising. I wonder how many prospective golfers ever make it past this initial meeting with the intricacies of hitting a little innocent and inoffensive ball. Now, I might be exaggerating but my comments are based on some factual experience. Just last week I coached two different ladies on the same afternoon who will both play much better golf when they accept that they are normally gifted at it and not as useless as they think. They are in their sixties and play off twenty-seven and thirty-five handicaps. Both used the following term to describe how they feel on the course when hitting a bad shot, “I feel so stupid.” Yet they are very intelligent, successful women who swing the club quite well but suffer from a lack of confidence. They are far from being stupid.

Knowing their negative self-images, can you imagine how they react to playing in front of other golfers? Are they likely to move freely with an air of authority or are they more likely to look a little shy and make inhibited and nervous movements? The answer is that they will find great improvement in their shots when they have the confidence to move MORE. With the aid of ‘La Danse du Golf’ both ladies are making good progress and are already displaying more of the six basic elements. What they both need is the confidence to make those better swings when they play on the course with other players. They both now understand the effects of Timothy Gallwey’s Self One and Self Two inner conversations and are gradually learning to trust their Self Two’s. They are also filling their positive boxes and letting go of the negative ones just as Michelle did so successfully.

 The first hurdle to get over when you start to play this game is to know that your ball will consistently get off the ground. When you stand over every shot with the feeling that you are likely to hit it well and get it up in the air your confidence will grow. Whilst it is likely that beginners will top the ball quite regularly, there is no reason why this shouldn’t disappear after a while. Now, this may be a few weeks or a few months and it is important to know that even pros can top the odd one.

What Really Causes Topping

Let’s have a closer look at how a golf ball is topped. The word ‘topped’ is significant because it means that the club has contacted the top of the ball. If the club doesn’t contact the ball under its centre-line or equator it won’t fly up in the air. There are 4 major causes of this problem:

  1. Tension in hands and arms. Try the following experiment. Hold a 7-iron at your side with the head of the club touching the ground beside your feet. You should hold it very lightly and your arm should hang loosely with your shoulder low and relaxed. Now, see what happens when your hand tightens on the grip and your arm and shoulder stiffen with this effort. The club comes off the ground! Have you lifted your head? No.

  2. Your head comes up but not because it moved in an effort to look up early. Why would you do that? After all, the main focus is on hitting the ball so why would you be looking anywhere else? No, the whole body has been forced up because its natural path through the shot has been blocked by the intention to keep your head down. Your golfing partners see your head coming up because the head in golf obsesses us all. What they don’t see is the whole body moving up, the weight not moving forward and your legs straightening. Top golfers keep their centre of gravity at a constant height until well after impact. Top golfers don’t try to keep their heads down. In all the years I’ve played tournament golf I’ve never heard a fellow pro tell another player that he lifted his head! Tony Jacklin was interviewed on Radio 5 Live shortly after his book was published in 2008. He was asked what was the worst tip he’d ever been given. He didn’t hesitate in answering, “Keep my head down!”

  3. The distance between your body’s centre and the club head is too short to pick up the bottom of the ball because you have un-cocked your wrists too late as you approach impact. You will remember the troubles I suffered by working hard on the ‘late hit.’ Well, I even got to the stage where my 3-wood tee shots were often topped and could shoot off at right angles. Most embarrassing for a young tournament player!

  4. Many topped shots are actually just shots that don’t get up in the air and come off the shank or hosel. Please read the section regarding the cure for this, the 2BX. It is essential for golfers to understand what has happened. Most of them are so concerned with ‘why did it happen’ that they fail to analyse poor shots correctly.

     Please bear in mind that you don’t have to hit down to get the ball flying. All you need is the club to be low enough to get under the line on the ball, i.e. the equator of the ball, and that it is moving forward at some speed. Personally, I rarely ask players to hit down as this concept produces the wrong type of movement that will compromise your ability to turn freely through the shot and finish the movement correctly. I will talk to you later in this chapter about the importance of finishing the golf swing well.

    In over 30 years of studying videos and watching average golfers I have rarely seen anyone topping the ball because they looked up too early. The only players I’ve seen do this are several pros and low handicap amateurs and it doesn’t stop them hitting great shots consistently.

    Tension is generally at the core of most ills in golf and nowhere is this more damaging than when it gets into your muscles and joints. When we concentrate too much, or concentrate in the wrong way, tension often creeps into the shoulders. I’m sure you’ve experienced this when driving your car or concentrating on the computer screen and have to lower and relax them from time to time. In golf, tension stiffens and shortens our muscles and leads to topping, shanking, i.e. hitting the ball off the heel of an iron, and general excesses in the effort required to hit the ball.

    As a fault it is one of the most devious, as it doesn’t always show itself to the spectator. Two swings may look identical, even under the magnifying glass of slow motion and still frame video images, but hidden tension can make one of them top the ball whilst the other can produce a great shot 

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Let it Rain, Let it Rain, Let it rain !!

image (2)

Whilst living in England is a beautiful place to be in the summer, it's not the best place when the weather starts to turn and the rain seems to come down relentlessly.

Due to the nature of my job it sometimes leaves me with the odd spare hour in which I get time to think about what golfers could be doing if the weather is bad.

I've made a list of different things that you may find helpful, some can be done in your arm chair and some you'll need to stand up for.

To become a rounded golfer you need to work on three key areas, MIND, BODY & TECHNIQUE. I made the fatal mistake when I was younger just to work on technique and didn't realise the added Value of being efficient at the Mind and Body bit.

So here are my simple tips...

There is so much free information available at the touch of a button now, so grab your phone/ tablet and type in "Golf Psychology" and a myriad of things will pop up. Two people who instantly spring to mind are Dr Bob Rotella, and Dr Karl Morris, these two have become very well know on tour and they have produced a wealth of information that will spark some inspiration within you. A good friend of mine Adrian Riddell is also a sports psychologist & his website is well worth a look at.

You see working on your mind set could easily save you shots on the golf course and give you a greater understanding of what might be holding you back. Take time to digest and implement the information.

The next subject you could be looking for is Golf fitness,  a good friend of mine is Luke Perrin who's based in Stratford upon Avon , he's genius at training golfing bodies and works out programmes that fit around you , contact him on and give me a quick mention. A refined body can only enhance your golfing performance. 

Failing that get on YouTube and research golf training exercises - there are literally thousands on there. Start off gently and build yourself up, just imagine how far forward you'll be by March next year if you make a start now. Set yourself some simple goals and raise the bar once you've reached them, and hey you never know you may just enjoy it.

Now to your golf game , I teach a brain surgeon and I was asking him about learning and what humans need to make changes, I was very surprised by his answer , humans need 2 things he said, "you need to practise something a thousand times and you need Positive Feed back" without feed back you'll never make the changes, that's why watching videos alone dont work, you need a professional to tell you what's happening . So if your making some swing changes seek out a professional,  better still contact me and let's work on things together. 

I would also recommend you purchase a Swingrite, this is without exception the best training aid on the market , if you stop hitting balls for just a week and swing this I guarantee your swing will improve , when you purchase it, you'll receive a PDF explaining how to use it and all the benefits that go with it , details are on the picture below 

Now here's a novel idea - "Your Garage" - haven't you been looking for an excuse to clear out all that junk you've been hoarding? And turn it into the ultimate practise facility. Imagine if you cleared the floor and put down some green carpet, maybe even paint the walls white and put up a couple of mirrors, print off some posters that inspire you and get some heating in there. You could even put a DVD player in and a TV, now you're talking, you could then watch body training DVDs and participate, watch your most inspiring golf shots videos that keep you focused. Make it your second home this winter.

You see, with a little imagination you could transform your game over the winter! Stop looking outside and feeling sorry for yourself and get motivated. Treat yourself to a Swingrite training AID and remember to tell the family what you intend doing this winter and start NOW.

I hope this blog inspires you to make some changes and please contact me,  I'll happily help with your questions.

So here's to a winter of change!

Follow me on twitter @julianmellorpro

Facebook Julianmellor

Julian Mellor PGA Professional 

Positive Impact Golf Coach

Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Natural swing v technical swing

Hello, thanks for taking time to read my Blog 

Question:- using a few words how would you describe a really nice golf swing? 

Question:- And what words would you use to describe a really bad golf swing? 

"Before you read on just spend a couple of minutes having a good think about these two questions"

I like you,  have seen thousands of golf swings, some of them very pleasing on the eye and others make you want to look away, some golfers make it look easy and others make it look really difficult. 

When you were describing the two swings which one reminded you of you? 

When describing the really nice swing I would imagine you used words like " EASY, EFFORTLESS, NATURAL, FLOWING, RHYMICAL, BALANCED ETC ETC 
I bet you didn't use phrases like " that is a nice series of positions" , "that swing is on plane" , " the angle of attack was down 5 degrees" , I love the torque in the backswing" , " posture was maintained perfectly through impact". Am I right? 

have another question for you - if a good swing is all of the words above then why is the golf swing taught as a series of Positions pieced together? does the golf swing have to be technical?

Why does modern teaching insist on making the golf swing more complicated and more and more unnatural ? 

Positive Impact Coaching is far more in tune with a persons natural swing, it is without restriction and allows a persons Talent to shine through.

How do we do that you ask? Firstly we get our clients to become mindful and tune into different  senses, we ask them to hit balls with their eyes closed, we get them to move their feet in a certain way to become aware of weight shift and balance, we encourage them to break the traditions of old, like , keep your head down, left arm straight & keep your left foot solid on the ground throughout the swing. 
We encourage golfers to hit shots without effort to see what happens, reduce tension in their set up and swing, quite simply we allow their natural ability to shine through. 

If reading this it's made you nod your head a few times then I feel I've made my point. 

If Golf equipment has improved so much over the past 40 years, teaching devices have given factual evidence of what happens to your club and ball through impact, body mapping measures precisely what you do when you hit golf balls then why have the handicaps of golfers not fallen in line with all this technology? 

Why? Because modern teaching and technology is too complicated!! 

If you agree with what I've said and would like to bring out your natural swing but don't know how,  please contact me and I'll happily chat through things with you.

Don't be afraid to share this if you've found it helpful.

Julian Mellor
PGA professional
Positive Impact Golf Coach
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Why positive impact golf?

It's been a while since I wrote a blog but I felt it time I did.

So what's new? What's the last 7 months looked like for Julian Mellor

Well let me tell you, it's been absolutely awesome. why you ask? Because of Positive Impact Golf. 

Let me share my story with you if I may!!

It all started when I sent out a tweet and had a reply from a dear friend of mine Pete the butcher, he asked to meet up ASAP as he had something he wanted to tell me. Firstly I got a telling off in a nice way then he progressed to tell me about a great friend of his Brian Sparks and how he is now coaching all over the world, and the fact that he's that busy he needs more coaches like myself, he made me promise to meet up with Brian and discuss what's happening to him. 
Well we met up at a fantastic course called the Centurion and we chatted for hours and hours. He was telling me about a video he put on YouTube (easiest swing in golf) and the amount of interest it has created, he's had well over 200 thousand views, he also gave me a copy of a book he's written called Positive Impact Golf and went on to explain how many countries it's sold in,over 32 at last count. 
I asked what was his secret and how come he had become so popular, simple was his reply , I've made the golf swing easy again!! I've broken so called modern teaching and allowed people to swing freely, I was Intrigued and asked if he would explain it to me. 
So my journey began, never before had I seen anyone make the golf swing look so easy and yet the ball fizzed off so straight and true, no loss of distance and he did it time and time again. 
It was then my turn, all my professional golfing life I had worked on positions , if "A" wasn't right there is no way "B" could be right , I had pieced my swing together to what I thought was a good swing yet my mind was full of thoughts, never being able to play my shots freely, always thinking each and every swing had to be perfect!! well how wrong could I have been??!! 
Once I started to fully understand the methodology I couldn't believe how far away from a natural swing I was, no wonder I could never trust it under pressure, no wonder I found golf difficult, and once I had adopted the method there was no way I would ever go back to swinging in positions.
So I started to coach the Positive Impact Golf way and to say I've been blown away by the results my clients have been achieving is an understatement , never before have I had so many , calls, texts and emails from golfers shooting their best rounds and winning competitions. 
The strange thing is, if I taught this was in my PGA exam I would fail, how wrong is that!!  because we don't preach perfect and we don't restrict movement we would be seen to be not doing it right. 
If you read the press you'd hear doom and gloom especially in America, courses closing , golf on the decline but the reality is Golf teaching has become too technical and unachievable and it's made golf hard when it needn't be, social and occasional golfers have been switched off. People don't want to play golf by numbers , they want to stand on the tee, apply their most natural swing and watch as their ball sails down the fairway, and that my friends is why Positive Impact Golf is here to stay and why we who coach it, will bring back the enjoyment of the game . 
If this has Intrigued you please make contact and let's chat about it in more detail, thanks for taking time to read this

Happy golfing 

Julian mellor 
PGA Professional 
Positive impact golf coach 
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club