I'm just sat in my car watching golfers at Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club teeing off, I'm struck by how many golfers move their bodies in an inefficient way, they don't seem to grasp how much easier the swing is when you move your body correctly, golf is no different to any other throwing sport, for instance you wouldn't see any Javlin thrower leaning backward when releasing a Javlin, discuss throwers wind up their body by transferring their weight from the right to the left if they are right handed.
So in its simplest form your weight should move to the right in the back swing and to the left in the follow through, at POSITIVE IMPACT GOLF we call this
I've put a short video on YouTube that demonstrates the weight shift ( link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGoz5CJ-Mnw&sns=em )
The start of it shows me holding the club at hip height , watch what's happening to me heel on the takeaway and then on the follow through.
A recent study by TPI has said that it's a must not a should that the left heel comes off the ground in the backswing, it helps prevent injury, takes away any restriction, allows a greater shoulder turn and feels so much easier once you apply it.
I probably practise this movement about 100 a day, and now it feels totally natural, remember you could be doing this whilst you wait for the kettle to boil so you don't really have any excuses not to do it, and I promise you it will seriously help your swing.
I have been told that 15 out of the last 17 major winners have done this, I will check this to make sure it's true but if it is I wouldn't be at all surprised.
So give it a go and let me know how you get on.
Happy Golfing
Julian Mellor
PGA Professional
Positive Impact Golf Coach
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club
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