Showing posts with label Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club. Show all posts

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Easiest swing in golf, Is it a lack of ability that's stopping you improving?

Is it a lack of ability that's stopping you improving?

Julian has coached golf for some 27 years now and there isn't a swing fault that he hasn't seen. Golfers are built differently and a one fit all methodology is defiantly not the way forward. 
There are some fabulous coaches out there and they have helped produce world beaters but they are not easy to get hold of and probably wouldn't have time to work with the average golfer as they are away so much during a season. 

So who could you seek out that you know is dedicated to his/ her profession? and who you know will make a difference to your golf game? Well in my honest opinion you would look no further than a Positive Impact Golf Coach, there are only 4 in the world and they are so well trained in the art of Golf Improvement that they being contacted by golfers all over the world. 

So what makes them so special?  And what are they doing differently to other Golf Coaches? 

First and foremost they are Totally dedicated, they keep the golf swing as simple as possible; in fact their motto is "We retain the complexity and pass on the Simplicity" 
They fully understand the Golf swing and how the human body is designed to move, they coach 6 Principles and have 3 deadly Don'ts, all of which is under pinned by reduced tension and effort. They get golfers to relax and find their Natural swing. 
They are expert in finding out a persons belief system and what's holding them back. They give golfers simple things to do at home, on the practise area and on the course that Guarantee improvement. 

Brian Sparks, founder of Positive Impact Golf and former PGA instructor put a video on YouTube 5 years ago which has reached over 279,000 people                                           ( ) and Julian Mellor also made a video about the Easiest Swing In Golf  they made these videos to show how simple the swing can be. 

Golfers have been put off by the ever growing complexity of the golf swing, they have become frustrated by Teaches asking them to do things that they can't physically do and resort to YouTube to find a solution to their problems, Now we all know that a video can't see your swing but it's a great place to start and that's why they were made. 

If you are looking for that one piece of advice that will transform your swing then I'm afraid you probably won't find it, but if you apply these 6 principles then you will be almost Guaranteed improvement.
. Turning 
. Weightshift 
. Rhythm 
. Balance
. Coordination 
. Souplesse

If by reading this you have been inspired to do something about your golf then please make contact and prepare yourself to be blown away by what you will learn. 

Happy Golfing 

Julian Mellor PGA Professional 
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club  

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

How is the golf ball stopping you improving your golf? BLOG

Is the Golf ball stopping you improving? 

How many times have you heard these sayings? 

"My practise swing is alright I just can't do the same when the balls there" 
"If only I could hit the ball with my practise swing" 

So what changes from your practise swing to when you hit the ball? Quite simply it's the ball, for almost as long as golf has been played I can imagine these immortal words have been said "Keep your HEAD down" is this a good or a bad thing? When golfers make a practise swing the sole focus is not the ball, they swing with freedom without the ball but as soon as its introduced they become fixated with it, stopping flowing movements.

So I'm going to give you a couple of things to try on the practise area, I use them on my clients all the time which produce some amazing results.

1) hit at least 6 shots with your eyes closed.
2) just before you strike the ball allow your eyes to start to look towards the target.

Once we take the ball out of the equation by trying these two simple exercises you'll be amazed at how much freedom you'll have, A lot of people say that it feels like a practise swing when they connect with the ball.

Now if you think this is a bit far fetched get a friend to video your best practise swing and watch how your head and body moves, then video you hitting a shot and see if there is a difference. 

Positive Impact Golf Coaching breaks some of the rules, through years of study we have been able to dispel 3 myths that hold golfers back, they create tension, stop the body moving and worst of all may injure golfers. 

Our 3 Deadly Donts  are,

Don't Keep your head Down ( Allow it to move freely) 

Don't keep your left arm straight ( this creates tension and shortens the muscles in your arm which may lead to you topping the ball) 

Don't keep your left foot flat on the floor. By doing this it breaks the kinetic chain which may lead to injury, allow your ankle to move without resistance.

So my advice to you is simply this, don't become obsessed with the golf ball, allow your body to move freely and above all else swing the club tension free, if you don't find this helps, contact me and come along for a coaching session. Golf doesn't have to be complicated or difficult, once you start hitting the ball with your best golf swing Magic really can happen. 

My YouTube video may help if your struggling

Happy Golfing 

Julian Mellor 
Positive Impact Coach 

Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

What's stopping golfers transferring their weight?

What stops golfers transferring their weight? 

I've recently started putting a few videos on YouTube which have grabbed some people's attention. Benson, a seasoned golfer asked how he could stop 30 years of leaning back when he struck his shots , so I made a short video explaining how to shift your weight but more importantly what stops us doing it , here's the link ( ) . 

So often golfers know what they should be doing but don't understand what stops them, commonly it's their belief system. 

Positive Impact Coaches are trained to find out if a golfers belief system is stopping them progressing but more importantly how to change it if needs be. 

I hope you find the video helpful , please feed back to me if I can be of any more assistance to you . 

Happy Golfing 

Julian Mellor 
PGA Professional 
Positive Impact Golf Coach 

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

How does the easiest swing in golf work ( Positive Impact Golf)

Before I start I would like to ask you a couple quick questions.

If you saw a really nice golf swing what would be some of the words you would use to describe it? 

And I if you saw a really bad swing what might be some of the words you would use to describe that? 

Just take a couple of minutes to have a think...

I'm going to take an estimated guess and say that the nice swing would be described as Easy, Effortless, simple , smooth etc etc. Am I right? 

Now have a think about your swing and does it match any of the above? So let's have a think about some of the things you can do to achieve a nice swing. 

1) Tension- how much tension do you have? Score yourself out of 10. Before I started to apply Positive Impact Golf to my own game I used to be an 8 1/2 or even a 9 and now I am a 2 desperately trying to come down to. Tension doesn't just come from grip pressure it shows up in your arms, shoulder , back  legs and golf swing. 

2) Effort- so many people hit the ball with a lot of Effort yet have little effect on the ball, try reducing your amount of effort and see what happens, I'm certain you'll have better results. 

3) Turning and Weightshift- learn how to do these two things as they are critical to achieving a really nice swing , at the start of this short video it describes how to do it ( ). So many golfer do these two basics poorly and don't enderstand the importance of it. 

4) Rhythm- we all have our own natural rhythm but does that match up in your golf swing? Try being smooth next time you play and watch how effortlesss your shots become.

5) Balance - almost all great golfers have incredible balance, this is another area of the swing that is often overlooked, when you practise pay a lot of attention to your balance. I can guarantee one thing, every great shot you've hit you will have been able to stand in balance admiring it. Try holding your finish until the ball stops rolling as this gives you time to think about Balance. 

6) Soupleness - how supple is your swing? I watch golfers every day and the ones who struggle are the ones who are Tight and Tense, adopting a supple set up and swing will pay dividends , Trust me. 

Don,t take my word for it, go out and apply these simple tips to your game, by all means let me know how you get on and if you have any questions feel free to contact me. 

I'm based at Stoneleigh Deer Park Nr coventry which is easily accessible, members and NON members are more than welcome any time. 

Hope these help and look forward to seeing you again soon 

Happy Golfing 

Julian Mellor Golf School 

Monday, 20 June 2016

Why don't golf lessons work ?

I've been a golf Professional all of my working life and spoke to thousands of golfers over the years, one thing that's always intrigued me is a golfers thinking, why Don't Golf Lessons work? To be brief, it's simple (CONFLICT)  or in the Words of "positive impact golf coaches" belief system. 

A secret hidden part of your brain that stops things happening, it's so powerful that it will stop you flying, stop you jumping off a cliff and in all truth keep you alive, but is it stopping you thriving? 

I've given thousands of lessons over the years and the ones who are open minded to change often succeed and the ones who nod their head but walk away saying to themselves that won't work for me never attempt to make a change. This really confused me until I learnt about Belief systems.

But what exactly are they and how can you change? Well, it's simple questioning that highlights them, then it's a matter of convincing a person that they might not be right and proving that there might be another way. 

So how do I do this when coaching somebody? I always start with this question ( if I were a complete beginner and for some reason my set up and grip seemed ok what hints and tip would you give me to help with my swing? ) this generally highlights a persons knowledge of the swing and more importantly gives me an understanding of their belief system. 
commonly, 3 things quoted back to me are " you must keep your head down"  "you have to keep your left arm straight" and " keep your front foot flat on the floor" 
So are they factually true or are they old wives tales? Well the best way to find out is try hitting the ball with your eyes closed, allow your left arm to bend and allow your left ankle to come off the ground in the backswing and see what happens. 

Just because things are always said doesn't mean they are true!! 

A very famous coach once said to me, don't get frustrated get curious. Don't accept something that's always said because in doing so it becomes your belief system and by god that's difficult to change. 

Next time you play golf or visit a driving range be aware of your thoughts, try new things out of curiosity and see what happens. 

If you'd like to chat through this in more detail feel free to call me or send me an email 

Happy golfing

Stoneleigh deer park golf club 

Monday, 14 March 2016

How do I use my golfing instincts.

Learn to use your Golf instincts, natural rhythm and Coordination to play your best golf.

Before I go into detail try this quick exercise!

  1. Write down TARGET on a piece of paper.
  2. Crumple the piece of paper into a BALL.
  3. Choose a target, such as a WASTE PAPER BIN, and throw the ball into it.
Well Done! you have just performed a sequence of tasks requiring complex physical movements and yet I gave you no instructions on how to do this task nor did I give a description of how to move your arms, your shoulders, your hips or any other part of your body, nevertheless, I'm sure you got it somewhere near or in the bin. It was possible to make all the necessary movements to achieve the desired result by using your instinct, coordination and natural rhythm. 

Striking a golf ball doesn't have to be any more complex than that, when learning to play good golf you must call upon and rely on the natural skills you already possess. With the right practice and guidance you can develop the skills required to play great golf.

Do you possess natural instinct?  have you ever found yourself in a tricky situation on a golf course and played a miraculous recovery shot? I bet you never thought about the mechanics of the swing to pull it off! you used your Instinct.
Another example of using your instinct is when your in two minds as to what club to play, I highly recommend you pull them both out and trust yourself as to which one to use, its very rare you'll be wrong.
Some many golfers never use this fifteenth club in their bag and forget to tune into their 6th sense.

Natural Rhythm and Coordination, these following exercises will help you develop your feel for solid contact with the ball and improve your Coordination and Rhythm. I have written these exercises as if your a right handed golfer, so please swap them around if your left handed.

  1. Right hand only drill, hit between 10 - 20 short shots (no more than 30 yards) using your right hand only, do it until you feel that the contact with the ball is perfect.
  2. Left hand only, repeat the same exercise using your left hand only. After a few attempts, you should notice it is a lot easier using your right hand.
  3. Both hands on the club, feet together. hit anything between 20 to 50 balls doing this simple exercise, it should raise your awareness of your natural Rhythm and Coordination be mindful of your balance and hold your finish until the ball finishes rolling.
  4. Find the ball drill, using a 7 iron on a short tee, start with your club about 12 inches in front of the ball and make some full swings attempting to hit the ball, then start with the club 12 inches behind the ball and hit the ball with full swing, and finally hover your club 12 inches above the ball and hit the ball with a full swing, this will help your coordination and allow your natural rhythm to shine through, remember all you have to do is find the ball with the club head.
  5. Eyes closed drill, set up to the ball as normal and just before you start your swing close your eyes and see if you can make contact with the ball, I recommend you do this with a relaxed swing to start with.
These drills are designed to take away the thinking part of your brain and allow your natural swing to shine through.

When you are on the course recall the feedback and sensations from these exercises (but not how you did exercises or how you got the results). Practice these exercises regularly and remember to keep in touch with your instinctive sense of feel and coordination.

Your Natural swing will always be more reliable than a Technical one when your under pressure on the golf course, the better your Rhythm the more your swing will Coordinate and the more fun you'll have playing.

I hope these tips help your game and as always, if i can be of assistance don't hesitate to get in touch.

Julian Mellor PGA Professional
Positive Impact Golf Coach
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club nr Coventry

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Ex- PGA Tour Player Brandel Chamblee

Hello, thanks for taking time to read this.               

I wanted to share a video with you and I strongly suggest that you spend 7 minutes watching this video in which Brandel Chamblee, a successful US tour player, talks about his controversial ideas about the modern golf swing and current teaching. Now, where have I heard that before!!

He goes on to talk about the famous Ben Hogan book about the 'Modern Fundamentals of Golf' and, not only do I completely agree with his thoughts ion the subject, but I would go further. Having written a book myself I know what it took to write it and to do all the research required to make it valid and credible. I just can't see how a tour player, and especially one famous for the amount of time he spent practicing, could have devoted so much of his time to writing a book. I know just how some of you will react to this but I doubt that he actually wrote it himself. I believe that he undoubtedly had a lot of input but someone else must have done the major work. Let's see what you think after watching the video here.


I hope you enjoy watching and feel free to make an comments, please share this as the message is so powerful . 

Happy Golfing 

Julian Mellor 
Positive Impact Golf Coach 
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club