Showing posts with label coventry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coventry. Show all posts

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

What's stopping golfers transferring their weight?

What stops golfers transferring their weight? 

I've recently started putting a few videos on YouTube which have grabbed some people's attention. Benson, a seasoned golfer asked how he could stop 30 years of leaning back when he struck his shots , so I made a short video explaining how to shift your weight but more importantly what stops us doing it , here's the link ( ) . 

So often golfers know what they should be doing but don't understand what stops them, commonly it's their belief system. 

Positive Impact Coaches are trained to find out if a golfers belief system is stopping them progressing but more importantly how to change it if needs be. 

I hope you find the video helpful , please feed back to me if I can be of any more assistance to you . 

Happy Golfing 

Julian Mellor 
PGA Professional 
Positive Impact Golf Coach 

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

How does the easiest swing in golf work ( Positive Impact Golf)

Before I start I would like to ask you a couple quick questions.

If you saw a really nice golf swing what would be some of the words you would use to describe it? 

And I if you saw a really bad swing what might be some of the words you would use to describe that? 

Just take a couple of minutes to have a think...

I'm going to take an estimated guess and say that the nice swing would be described as Easy, Effortless, simple , smooth etc etc. Am I right? 

Now have a think about your swing and does it match any of the above? So let's have a think about some of the things you can do to achieve a nice swing. 

1) Tension- how much tension do you have? Score yourself out of 10. Before I started to apply Positive Impact Golf to my own game I used to be an 8 1/2 or even a 9 and now I am a 2 desperately trying to come down to. Tension doesn't just come from grip pressure it shows up in your arms, shoulder , back  legs and golf swing. 

2) Effort- so many people hit the ball with a lot of Effort yet have little effect on the ball, try reducing your amount of effort and see what happens, I'm certain you'll have better results. 

3) Turning and Weightshift- learn how to do these two things as they are critical to achieving a really nice swing , at the start of this short video it describes how to do it ( ). So many golfer do these two basics poorly and don't enderstand the importance of it. 

4) Rhythm- we all have our own natural rhythm but does that match up in your golf swing? Try being smooth next time you play and watch how effortlesss your shots become.

5) Balance - almost all great golfers have incredible balance, this is another area of the swing that is often overlooked, when you practise pay a lot of attention to your balance. I can guarantee one thing, every great shot you've hit you will have been able to stand in balance admiring it. Try holding your finish until the ball stops rolling as this gives you time to think about Balance. 

6) Soupleness - how supple is your swing? I watch golfers every day and the ones who struggle are the ones who are Tight and Tense, adopting a supple set up and swing will pay dividends , Trust me. 

Don,t take my word for it, go out and apply these simple tips to your game, by all means let me know how you get on and if you have any questions feel free to contact me. 

I'm based at Stoneleigh Deer Park Nr coventry which is easily accessible, members and NON members are more than welcome any time. 

Hope these help and look forward to seeing you again soon 

Happy Golfing 

Julian Mellor Golf School