Tuesday, 28 June 2016

How does the easiest swing in golf work ( Positive Impact Golf)

Before I start I would like to ask you a couple quick questions.

If you saw a really nice golf swing what would be some of the words you would use to describe it? 

And I if you saw a really bad swing what might be some of the words you would use to describe that? 

Just take a couple of minutes to have a think...

I'm going to take an estimated guess and say that the nice swing would be described as Easy, Effortless, simple , smooth etc etc. Am I right? 

Now have a think about your swing and does it match any of the above? So let's have a think about some of the things you can do to achieve a nice swing. 

1) Tension- how much tension do you have? Score yourself out of 10. Before I started to apply Positive Impact Golf to my own game I used to be an 8 1/2 or even a 9 and now I am a 2 desperately trying to come down to. Tension doesn't just come from grip pressure it shows up in your arms, shoulder , back  legs and golf swing. 

2) Effort- so many people hit the ball with a lot of Effort yet have little effect on the ball, try reducing your amount of effort and see what happens, I'm certain you'll have better results. 

3) Turning and Weightshift- learn how to do these two things as they are critical to achieving a really nice swing , at the start of this short video it describes how to do it ( http://youtu.be/GJAYn3iAOog ). So many golfer do these two basics poorly and don't enderstand the importance of it. 

4) Rhythm- we all have our own natural rhythm but does that match up in your golf swing? Try being smooth next time you play and watch how effortlesss your shots become.

5) Balance - almost all great golfers have incredible balance, this is another area of the swing that is often overlooked, when you practise pay a lot of attention to your balance. I can guarantee one thing, every great shot you've hit you will have been able to stand in balance admiring it. Try holding your finish until the ball stops rolling as this gives you time to think about Balance. 

6) Soupleness - how supple is your swing? I watch golfers every day and the ones who struggle are the ones who are Tight and Tense, adopting a supple set up and swing will pay dividends , Trust me. 

Don,t take my word for it, go out and apply these simple tips to your game, by all means let me know how you get on and if you have any questions feel free to contact me. 

I'm based at Stoneleigh Deer Park Nr coventry which is easily accessible, members and NON members are more than welcome any time. 

Hope these help and look forward to seeing you again soon 

Happy Golfing 

Julian Mellor Golf School


Friday, 24 June 2016

Positive Impact Golf Coaching in Coventry, Leamington Spa, Kenilworth, Warwick , warwickshire

Hello, recently I've been asked by a few non members of Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club wether or not they can still come to see me for Golf Lessons, the quick and simple answer is YES. I coach golfers from a variety of different locations and all are made to feel very welcome.

Having coaching isn't so much about the location but more about the person you are going to visit and the quality of the tuition you receive. 

If price is an issue then by all means look on line and find the best deals to suit your budget, but if it's quality your looking for then I recommend you look for a PGA Professional who coaches full time as they are fully committed to improving your Golf. I would recommend you research any PGA Professional you visit, have a look on their website ( www.julianmellorgolfschool.co.uk) have a read of their testimonials and about their methodology. 

Positive Impact Golf Coaches are driven to give the best experience possible and we do this in a manner of ways, for instance; we encourage first time visitors to book a 1 hour consultation so that both sides know exactly what they are looking for and not put under pressure to leave after 30 minutes, We coach the " Easiest Swing In Golf" which makes it understandable and easy to apply. After each Lesson we ask people to send us the Key Messages they have taken away so that it's a reminder of what they have learnt and if they miss anything we add to it, We also keep accurate records of each lesson as a reminder for the next time they visit, Above all we give exquisite attention to each and every Client when they visit. 

Typically, I coach people from surrounding areas like COVENTRY, LEAMINGTON SPA, KENILWORTH, WARWICK, STRATFORD ON AVON & NUNEATON, but as of late golfers are traveling from all corners of the U.K. and in July I have a guy flying in from Hong Kong, so the word is spreading about our Coaching Methodology. 

Over 75% of Golfers never take LESSONS which I find a little sad, I know there is loads of free information out there but nothing works as well as having a Professional look at your game. One area of my coaching that has grown considerably is on Course lessons, this , as I say is the TRUTH. Golfers very quickly return back to type when playing and this is when our Professional intervention pays dividends.
Don't take my word for it come and experience it for yourself.

If you've had a bad experience of Golf Lessons don't be put off, try looking for another coach or ask around for recommendations, failing that contact me and let's book you in for a consultation to find out your golfing ambitions. 

If this as been of help I'm pleased. 

Happy golfing 

Kindest regards 

Julian Mellor PGA Professional 
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club 

Monday, 20 June 2016

Why don't golf lessons work ?

I've been a golf Professional all of my working life and spoke to thousands of golfers over the years, one thing that's always intrigued me is a golfers thinking, why Don't Golf Lessons work? To be brief, it's simple (CONFLICT)  or in the Words of "positive impact golf coaches" belief system. 

A secret hidden part of your brain that stops things happening, it's so powerful that it will stop you flying, stop you jumping off a cliff and in all truth keep you alive, but is it stopping you thriving? 

I've given thousands of lessons over the years and the ones who are open minded to change often succeed and the ones who nod their head but walk away saying to themselves that won't work for me never attempt to make a change. This really confused me until I learnt about Belief systems.

But what exactly are they and how can you change? Well, it's simple questioning that highlights them, then it's a matter of convincing a person that they might not be right and proving that there might be another way. 

So how do I do this when coaching somebody? I always start with this question ( if I were a complete beginner and for some reason my set up and grip seemed ok what hints and tip would you give me to help with my swing? ) this generally highlights a persons knowledge of the swing and more importantly gives me an understanding of their belief system. 
commonly, 3 things quoted back to me are " you must keep your head down"  "you have to keep your left arm straight" and " keep your front foot flat on the floor" 
So are they factually true or are they old wives tales? Well the best way to find out is try hitting the ball with your eyes closed, allow your left arm to bend and allow your left ankle to come off the ground in the backswing and see what happens. 

Just because things are always said doesn't mean they are true!! 

A very famous coach once said to me, don't get frustrated get curious. Don't accept something that's always said because in doing so it becomes your belief system and by god that's difficult to change. 

Next time you play golf or visit a driving range be aware of your thoughts, try new things out of curiosity and see what happens. 

If you'd like to chat through this in more detail feel free to call me or send me an email 

Happy golfing 


Stoneleigh deer park golf club 