Monday, 14 March 2016

How do I use my golfing instincts.

Learn to use your Golf instincts, natural rhythm and Coordination to play your best golf.

Before I go into detail try this quick exercise!

  1. Write down TARGET on a piece of paper.
  2. Crumple the piece of paper into a BALL.
  3. Choose a target, such as a WASTE PAPER BIN, and throw the ball into it.
Well Done! you have just performed a sequence of tasks requiring complex physical movements and yet I gave you no instructions on how to do this task nor did I give a description of how to move your arms, your shoulders, your hips or any other part of your body, nevertheless, I'm sure you got it somewhere near or in the bin. It was possible to make all the necessary movements to achieve the desired result by using your instinct, coordination and natural rhythm. 

Striking a golf ball doesn't have to be any more complex than that, when learning to play good golf you must call upon and rely on the natural skills you already possess. With the right practice and guidance you can develop the skills required to play great golf.

Do you possess natural instinct?  have you ever found yourself in a tricky situation on a golf course and played a miraculous recovery shot? I bet you never thought about the mechanics of the swing to pull it off! you used your Instinct.
Another example of using your instinct is when your in two minds as to what club to play, I highly recommend you pull them both out and trust yourself as to which one to use, its very rare you'll be wrong.
Some many golfers never use this fifteenth club in their bag and forget to tune into their 6th sense.

Natural Rhythm and Coordination, these following exercises will help you develop your feel for solid contact with the ball and improve your Coordination and Rhythm. I have written these exercises as if your a right handed golfer, so please swap them around if your left handed.

  1. Right hand only drill, hit between 10 - 20 short shots (no more than 30 yards) using your right hand only, do it until you feel that the contact with the ball is perfect.
  2. Left hand only, repeat the same exercise using your left hand only. After a few attempts, you should notice it is a lot easier using your right hand.
  3. Both hands on the club, feet together. hit anything between 20 to 50 balls doing this simple exercise, it should raise your awareness of your natural Rhythm and Coordination be mindful of your balance and hold your finish until the ball finishes rolling.
  4. Find the ball drill, using a 7 iron on a short tee, start with your club about 12 inches in front of the ball and make some full swings attempting to hit the ball, then start with the club 12 inches behind the ball and hit the ball with full swing, and finally hover your club 12 inches above the ball and hit the ball with a full swing, this will help your coordination and allow your natural rhythm to shine through, remember all you have to do is find the ball with the club head.
  5. Eyes closed drill, set up to the ball as normal and just before you start your swing close your eyes and see if you can make contact with the ball, I recommend you do this with a relaxed swing to start with.
These drills are designed to take away the thinking part of your brain and allow your natural swing to shine through.

When you are on the course recall the feedback and sensations from these exercises (but not how you did exercises or how you got the results). Practice these exercises regularly and remember to keep in touch with your instinctive sense of feel and coordination.

Your Natural swing will always be more reliable than a Technical one when your under pressure on the golf course, the better your Rhythm the more your swing will Coordinate and the more fun you'll have playing.

I hope these tips help your game and as always, if i can be of assistance don't hesitate to get in touch.

Julian Mellor PGA Professional
Positive Impact Golf Coach
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club nr Coventry