Monday, 23 November 2015

Why are one off Golf Lessons bad for your game

Hello, thanks for taking time to read my blog. 

So the question is, why is having a one off lesson bad for your golf game? 

It's a simple yet complex question, so I'm going to have a go at explaining it for you. 

Ok, your due to play in a match next week but your hitting it terrible, what do you do? I know I'll book a lesson with a PGA professional he/she will fix the problem, you pop along for your 10.30 appointment which lasts 1/2hr , your teacher asks you to hit a few balls and spots what's happening right away, it's not something that can be fixed before you play next week but nether less the teacher is expected to explain the faults and reccomend the fixes, knowing full well that it will take time for you to practise the new movements. You then go away; not fully understanding what your trying to do and turn up on the tee in two minds, number (1) do I trust my new swing? Or number (2) do what I've always done because I know what to expect? You're then trapped in two minds, neither of them going to help you in that moment. 

You complete your round not fully understanding what's just happened, not trusting the new method and believing it's best to stick to what you know, saying its a waste of time having lessons because they don't work, am I RIGHT? You feel you've wasted your money and happily tell your friends that the Pro has ruined your game. 

As standard practise we coaches at POSITIVE IMPACT GOLF take time to talk to our clients, we need to know what's happening with their game, how often they get to play and practise, what their beliefs are in the golf swing, we want our clients to get better at golf and have more fun on the course not make things worse.

We would reccomend that they seek the help of another coach if they wanted a quick lesson, we don't want to ruin their enjoyment of the game. It's nothing to do with trying to take more money off people it's because we know that they don't work.

So what would happen if you came to me for coaching? 

Firstly I'd want to get to know you, by asking some simple questions I'd begin to understand what it is you want from me and more importantly where you'd like your golf game to be, this may take 1/2hr on its own. Only then would we venture to the practise area to have a look what the problem may be, now it could be anything from driving to fairway woods from iron play to pitching, chipping, uneven lies or putting, without questions how would I know what the problem is?
The last thing I'd want to do is let you leave without fully understanding what you've been asked to do and more importantly why I've asked you to do it. Within 2 to 3 sessions together I'm certain you're technique will start to improve.

This lady came to me frustrated with her game, she lacked distance and consistency. This was causing her to stop enjoying the game and seriously think about stopping playing. 

   (This was the first time I'd ever seen her swing the club.) 

After just 3 sessions together we not only got her to swing freely but understood how to achieve it consistently and effortlessly. 

We couldn't have achieved this in 1/2 hr but within 2 hours working together we did. 

So I urge you to have a think before you book that one off lesson, are you not worth investing time and money on? 

I hope this has provoked you to have a think and I wish you all the golfing successes in the future

If this has raised any questions please feel free to contact me, and remember if you live too far away to come and see me we can always do online coaching. 

Julian Mellor 
PGA Professional
Positive Impact Golf Coach

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