Showing posts with label Playing lessons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Playing lessons. Show all posts

Monday, 7 December 2015

It's a must that you have a playing lesson

Having started my Guaranteed Golf Improvement Programme assessment rounds, one thing that has become very apparent to me is it's an absolute must to go and play at least 9 holes with a professional.
Julian Mellor
The reason I say this is as follows:
A pro gets to see what the players do in real time on the golf course. The first glaringly obvious mistake golfers make is aiming off line, not easy to pick up on a practice ground or range, but very obvious when you're stood behind a player.
The second most common mistake is under clubbing. Remember, course designers aren't stupid, that's why they put most of the hazards short of the green and again a player under clubbing wouldn't be so noticeable on the practice ground.
And the third and very noticeable error is the lack of different chip shots a player has in his or her locker. They may be great at lob shots but can't chip and run for toffee, they can play short bunker shots but have no idea how to vary the distance. All of which can easily be taught, but not unless it’s highlighted in a real game situation out on the course.
The list goes on of course!
One really nice guy I teach strikes the ball great, his distance and accuracy is pretty good yet still plays off 28. Right up until we had our assessment round together I would not have believed he played off 28 – that’s until I watched him putt. It wasn't uncommon to see him 3 putt almost every green , not that his stroke was bad but he had no feel for pace and didn't know how to read a putt, and now I know this it is so easily remedied .
So my advice for anyone thinking of having a lesson is:
. Ask you pro to play at least 5 holes with you first , before he ever gives you a lesson
. At the end of the round sit down and go through the findings
. Formulate a lesson plan and work on your real weaknesses first.
. Remember one off lessons DON’T work so plan an improvement schedule
. Work on what you've been taught and have a playing review after 3 to 4 months.
. Ask lots of questions, not only about technique but maybe how a shot could be played in a different way and really find out about the rules of the game.
If you’re as obsessed with the game of golf as I am, please have a good think about the  information above and go and talk to your local pro, get out on the course with them and I promise it will be the best money you will ever spend on your golf.
Julian Mellor
PGA Professional 
Positive Impact Golf Coach 
Stoneleigh Deer Park Golf Club